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Tips For Removing Water Damage Odors

deoderize home sonoma

Water damage is a common problem. Besides ruining your home’s structure, it can also emit a strong smell. This post will explain more about what this odor is and how you can get rid of it.

What Causes Water Damage Odors?

The musty smell your home has after water damage is due to mold. Because the water will puddle in an area, it will make the section moist. This moisture will create humid conditions which will encourage mold growth. The longer it sits, the more the mold will reproduce. This won’t only cause severe structural damage but can contaminate the air.

How to Get Rid of It

Apply Baking Soda: Baking soda is a well-known deodorizer. By sprinkling it on and around the damage, it will quickly soak up the odors. It can also reduce moisture which can destroy mold spores. Make sure to let the baking soda sit for at least 24 hours. This way, it has enough time to fix the problem. When you’re ready to remove it, simply vacuum it up. Install a Dehumidifier: Another way to get rid of this pungent smell is to utilize a dehumidifier. This device will absorb humidity. This can irritate the mold because its prime living conditions have been disturbed. The longer it runs, the more it will remove mold and its spores. This will end up reducing the odor. Besides eliminating the smell, a dehumidifier can also dry the affected area so the problem doesn’t spread. Blow Fans: Proper ventilation is key when it comes to getting rid of water damage odors. By blowing fans in the spot, it will improve air circulation. This can reduce the musty smell and dry damp areas. Make an Essential Oil Mix: If you can’t stand the smell, consider blending some essential oils which can mask the odor. Many are also antibacterial so they’ll get to work eating away at the mold. Some of the best to use for this purpose are:
  • Lemon
  • Rosemary
  • Tea tree
  • Lavender
  • Peppermint
Keep in mind you do need to dilute them in water. While this small amount of liquid won’t make the problem worse when you spray it on, make sure to not overdo it. Water damage is a serious problem that can cause anything from structural damage to allergic reactions. If you suspect you might have this issue in your Santa Rosa home, RCS can help. We offer water extraction and mold remediation services that will work to quickly eradicate any issues so you stay safe.

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5 Ways to Keep Your Septic System Healthy

home in country

Almost every home is connected to a septic system. This holds wastewater and prevents it from seeping into and around your living space. While it doesn’t usually need heavy maintenance, it still needs to be cared for. Here are a few ways you can keep it in good condition.

Why Should I Monitor My Septic System?

Septic systems hold toxic waste. If this escapes, it can contaminate the areas where it spreads. In addition to this, the pipes can get clogged with debris which can back up into your home’s walls. This isn’t only dangerous but can result in water damage and strong odors throughout it. To avert this, it’s ideal to watch your septic system to ensure there aren’t underlying problems.

5 Tips to Keep Your Septic System Healthy

Don’t Flush the Wrong Items: Flushing paper, grease, and other items into your septic system might not seem like such a big deal, but it is. Your septic system isn’t designed for these and won’t do a good job decomposing them. Because of this, they could get stuck in its pipes which can result in clogs. In other words, if it’s not fecal waste or toilet paper, don’t flush it. Check For Tree Roots: You’ll also want to make sure that nearby tree roots aren’t spreading around and into your septic system. These can wrap around it and create intense pressure. This pressure can then crack the outer shell allowing debris to seep out. If you notice tree roots, consider cutting them away from the septic system. Make Sure the Field Has Good Drainage: If your septic system field doesn’t have adequate drainage, it could flood both it and the surrounding landscape. One of the best ways to prevent this is to avoid excess water flowing near the septic field. Avoid Septic Additives: Septic additives are a mixture of yeast and bacteria that’s meant to help break down materials inside the system. However, septic additives are often unnecessary because waste is being constantly flushed into the septic tank. This waste has enough natural bacteria to eat away at the contents inside. The additives are also corrosive and can wear down pipes and other components. Get Regular Inspections: Another way to keep your septic healthy is to have it frequently inspected. Ideally, this should be done every three years. Septic systems might not be visible but they’re an important part of your home that protects it from harmful bacteria. By using these tips, you can easily keep it healthy. If you’re looking for a professional to inspect your septic system, consider RCS in Sonoma Couny for a recomendation to a local septic expert so you don't need to call us for a clean up if it fails.


Can Pipes Burst During Warm Months?

beach summer

During the warmer months of the year, many don’t often think about their pipes. However, this is a huge mistake. This post will explain why and how you can keep them in good condition during hot weather.

Can Pipes Burst During the Spring and Summer?

Yes, pipes can burst during these seasons. Any time they come into contact with an extreme temperature, they’ll become overwhelmed. This can create pressure in the tubes which can lead to leaks and eventually cause them to explode. During these seasons, water is also in high demand. The constant use can tire the pipes which could start to wear them down.

How to Protect Pipes

To guard your pipes you can use these tips. Do Regular Inspections: While you don’t need to constantly watch them, doing weekly checks can be useful. This can help you quickly identify potential problems and stop them from growing. Some things to look for include:
  • Wet spots
  • Cracks
  • Mold splotches
If you notice any of these signs, there’s probably an issue. You’ll want to contact a professional to fix it before it spreads. Insulate Them: You’ll also want to check that the pipes are properly insulated. This helps keep them at a consistent temperature so that they aren’t overwhelmed by major fluctuations. There are plenty of ways you can insulate pipes. One is to wrap them with pipe wrap. This tape will create a strong barrier around the pipe which can also help with plugging leaks. You could also slide foam sleeves over them. This not only protects your pipes but nearby appliances that might otherwise have moisture drip into them. Monitor the Water Pressure: Observing the water pressure will ensure that the pipes aren’t broken. If there’s low water pressure, this usually points to a clog or leak. On the other hand, high water pressure is a sign of stressed pipes. You’ll want to make sure that the pressure stays around 50-60 PSI. You can invest in a water pressure monitor to put under the liquid so it can calculate this number. Many times, it can also connect to your phone so you can get instant results and alerts. Most people focus on protecting their pipes during the winter, but they also need to be safeguarded during the spring and summer. If you’re concerned about your home’s pipes or just want to make sure they’re in good condition, give RCS a call in Santa Rosa. We can inspect your living space to ensure that there aren't signs of hidden damage.

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5 Ways to Prevent Spring Mold

spring time santa rosa

Spring brings a beautiful reawakening of the Earth. But, with it, comes a massive amount of pollen and mold. This season will naturally bring these particles, but there are a few ways you can prevent them from causing problems. Below are five ways you can limit and possibly eliminate mold spores from your living space.

5 Ways to Prevent Spring Mold

Clean Your Gutters: One of the best ways to stop mold growth is to keep your gutters clean. If there are clogs, it will cause water to back-up. The longer the water sits, the more likely mold will start to grow in it. Eventually, the water will seep into cracks around your home, something which could cause it to spread mold spores inside. Fix Leaks: Leaks can encourage mold to grow. While the water drops might be small at first, over time, they can create huge puddles. You’ll want to examine your living space to ensure there aren’t leaks. Some areas to especially check are:
  • Under sinks
  • Behind washing machines and refrigerators
  • Around wall and ceiling crevices
Use Air Purifiers: Air purifiers can pull mold spores out of the air to prevent them from circulating through your home. When turned on, the device will remove even the smallest of particles from the air. Many are also equipped with UV light which can destroy spores. Wipe Condensation Off Windows: You’ll also want to make sure to wipe condensation off windows. The longer condensation lingers, the more likely it will start to form dangerous black mold. This isn’t only unsightly but can cause serious health concerns. The mold will only continue to spread in your home until you remove it. To prevent this, wipe off condensation as soon as you see it. Empty Drip Pans: It’s vital to not forget to empty drip pans. This tool collects moisture from your air conditioner when it runs. Because it holds standing water, it could encourage mold spores to populate. Eventually, this contaminated water will evaporate and get sucked into your air vents where it will then be pushed throughout your home. You’ll want to empty the drip pans about every three months to avert this. Mold is a frequent problem during the spring but you can easily prevent it by keeping these tips in mind. Around Santa Rosa, CA RCS can also help by sending out a professional team to test for and if need be remove mold.

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3 Signs Your Home Has Rat Damage

rat in yard

Wall holes, chewed wires, and feces piles - these are just a few unpleasant side effects of having rats take over your home. But, sometimes, their presence isn’t always obvious. Here are a few signs to watch out for and some tips to keep them away.

Three Signs Your Home Has Rat Damage

You Hear Running in the Walls: A common sign that your home has rats is that you hear them scurrying through the walls. This pest loves the dark and damp conditions of crawl spaces, attics, and basements. To get to the different sections, they’ll chew through the walls and create tunnels. The sound of them running in the walls indicates that they’re moving to different portions of your home - something which can be very concerning. You Notice Droppings: Another sure indicator that your living space has rats is that you notice their feces. This unsightly mess leaves behind feces that are about ¾-inch long making them look like rice grains. You can tell if they’re fresh or not by looking at the color. If they look gray, they’ve been there for a while. But, if they’re black, it's recent. There Are Holes in Food Containers and Around the Walls: To get what they need, rats will chew into things. To satisfy their appetite, they’ll search for food. If they can’t easily obtain it, they’ll gnaw at the containers until they can. Rats will also bite into your walls so they can find good living conditions. This passageway is very obvious and looks like a small, open doorway in your baseboards.

How to Prevent Rats

Close Vents: Most of the time, open vents are what encourage rats to sneak into your home. If outdoor vents are propped open, this creature will slide inside and crawl through them. Because the vents connect to your duct system, any debris they leave behind will get sorted into your home’s air circulation. It will also lead them to your attic where they could end up making a nest. Don’t Leave Food Outdoors: Leaving open trash cans or food outdoors will only invite rats to your residence. You’ll want to make sure to keep edible items sealed and away from your home. Use Peppermint Oil: Rats detest peppermint oil. By placing a few cotton balls soaked in it around their nest or in areas where they might sneak in, you easily deter them. Rats are pesky animals that can cause severe home damage. If you’re concerned you might have a pest problem or want to ensure it doesn’t happen, give RCS a call. We’ll send a team out to inspect your home and get to work quickly fixing any issues.

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What Is Smoke Damage?

fire fighters

Fires can cause a variety of problems. However, even when it’s put out, it can still create a lot of issues, including smoke damage. Because it’s so widespread and often hidden, this damage can be difficult to fix. Below is more about the dangers of smoke and how you can eradicate it.

What is Smoke Damage?

Smoke damage is an issue caused by exhaust from a fire. Unlike fire damage, smoke damage doesn’t burn items but rather coats them in thick soot. This not only causes the objects to turn black but can give them an unpleasant odor.

Why is it a Problem?

Smoke damage isn’t only unsightly but incredibly dangerous. This issue can create a thick mixture of various gases. As it settles into the air and on items, you’ll end up breathing this substance in. This will end up irritating your lungs and causing them to become inflamed. It could also irritate your skin and cause allergic reactions.

Signs You Have Smoke Damage

This problem isn’t just soot on the wall after a fire. It can cause many other issues, some of which include:
  • Rusting metal hardware
  • Dizziness
  • Light discoloration on your ceilings and floors

How Smoke Damaged is Fixed

Smoke damage can be an exhausting thing to deal with. But, it can be treated with professional help. Air Circulation: One of the most important things to do after smoke damage occurs is to ensure there is adequate air circulation. Proper ventilation will remove odors and particles to help refresh the space. Vacuuming: Experts have special vacuums that can quickly remove soot from fabric while also neutralizing odors. These will help get various soot layers off of the material while preventing further damage to it. Chemical Sponges: To fully remove smoke damage, chemical sponges will sometimes be used. These are dipped into a special solution that dissolves left-behind debris.

Can I Remove Smoke Damage Myself?

You can remove some parts of smoke damage, but for a deep clean, you’ll need the help of a professional. But, if you want to get to work cleaning portions of it there are a few ways you can do so. These include:
  • Dipping a sponge into a warm soapy mixture and dabbing it on the area.
  • Sprinkling baking soda over affected pieces to remove odors.
  • Open your windows to encourage air flow.
Smoke damage is a serious problem that can cause both structural concerns and health issues if not fixed. If you need smoke damage removed, RCS can help. Our experts will get to work quickly cleaning the area to make sure it’s safe to be in again.

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