Spring brings a beautiful reawakening of the Earth. But, with it, comes a massive amount of pollen and mold. This season will naturally bring these particles, but there are a few ways you can prevent them from causing problems. Below are five ways you can limit and possibly eliminate mold spores from your living space.

5 Ways to Prevent Spring Mold

Clean Your Gutters: One of the best ways to stop mold growth is to keep your gutters clean. If there are clogs, it will cause water to back-up. The longer the water sits, the more likely mold will start to grow in it. Eventually, the water will seep into cracks around your home, something which could cause it to spread mold spores inside.

Fix Leaks: Leaks can encourage mold to grow. While the water drops might be small at first, over time, they can create huge puddles.

You’ll want to examine your living space to ensure there aren’t leaks. Some areas to especially check are:

  • Under sinks
  • Behind washing machines and refrigerators
  • Around wall and ceiling crevices

Use Air Purifiers: Air purifiers can pull mold spores out of the air to prevent them from circulating through your home. When turned on, the device will remove even the smallest of particles from the air. Many are also equipped with UV light which can destroy spores.

Wipe Condensation Off Windows: You’ll also want to make sure to wipe condensation off windows. The longer condensation lingers, the more likely it will start to form dangerous black mold. This isn’t only unsightly but can cause serious health concerns. The mold will only continue to spread in your home until you remove it. To prevent this, wipe off condensation as soon as you see it.

Empty Drip Pans: It’s vital to not forget to empty drip pans. This tool collects moisture from your air conditioner when it runs. Because it holds standing water, it could encourage mold spores to populate. Eventually, this contaminated water will evaporate and get sucked into your air vents where it will then be pushed throughout your home. You’ll want to empty the drip pans about every three months to avert this.

Mold is a frequent problem during the spring but you can easily prevent it by keeping these tips in mind. Around Santa Rosa, CA RCS can also help by sending out a professional team to test for and if need be remove mold.