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vinyl exterior santa rosa

Removing Mold From Vinyl Siding

Nothing makes a home appear more neglected than mold growing all over the vinyl siding. No matter whether it’s black, green, or some other shade, it definitely takes away the curb appeal.

Active mold growing on your vinyl siding not only looks terrible, but it’s an unhealthy situation, as well.

Here are some reasons why mold grows on your vinyl siding, how to clean it, and most importantly, how to prevent it.

Why Mold Grows on Vinyl Siding

Because your vinyl siding is exposed to all kinds of weather and factors that encourage mold growth, it’s a very common problem.

Mold has the ability to feed on practically any surface, including those that are used to build and protect your home. All that’s needed is a moist or humid environment, airborne mold spores landing on your siding and mold will take root, spread, and thrive.

Here are some factors that contribute to mold growing on your vinyl siding:

  • Dirty gutters (piles of rotting organic matter like leaves and moist dirt trapped inside)
  • Dirty siding (tree sap, leaves, and common dirt)
  • Wet, moist, or humid conditions (leaving condensation on siding)
  • Leaking pipes or drains (leaving pooling water or puddles near the home)
  • Shady areas

How to Clean Mold from Vinyl Siding

Pressure Washing

Pressure washing is one option to remove mold from siding. Pressure washing should be done with care, especially if you have holes or cracks in the siding. If you do, water may get inside these holes or cracks and if not dried quickly, can actually cause more mold to grow.

Commercial Mold Cleaners

Commercial mold cleaners made specifically for cleaning mold off siding work well, as long as you follow manufacturers’ directions carefully. It’s also important to wear protective gear such as gloves and a mask when using strong commercial cleaners.


Bleach is a popular “go to” solution for cleaning black, ugly mold off the siding. However, unless properly diluted, it’s possible to bleach the color from your siding. If not rinsed thoroughly and if left in direct sunlight, the odds of your siding becoming faded or discolored increase.

A good rule of thumb is to use one part bleach to four parts water for an effective, nicely diluted solution.

Avoid splashing bleach on plants, bushes, or flowers which may cause harm or permanent damage to your landscaping.

Oxygen-based Bleach

A safer alternative to the common chlorine household bleach is to dilute one cup of oxygen bleach in a gallon of water. Oxygen bleach is less harsh than its chlorine-based counterpart, preventing discoloration of the siding or harm to plants.

Vinegar Solution

Finally, what seems to be a bit of a miracle worker for dozens of household cleaning jobs – this one included – is to use a mixture of 30% white vinegar diluted in 70% water. Spray the vinegar solution on the affected areas, let sit for about five minutes, and hose off completely.

No matter which solution you choose to clean your vinyl siding, using a long-handled cleaning brush for gentle scrubbing helps loosen those stubborn spots and gets your siding sparkling clean.

Preventative Tips

Mold growing on your siding is certainly unsightly, but also dangerous when active mold releases tiny spores, or mycotoxins, into the air. When mycotoxins are released, they can be dangerous if inhaled. Also, airborne spores settle on even more areas of your home’s exterior to form new active mold colonies.

Here are some things you can do to minimize the chances of mold returning to grow on your vinyl siding.

  • Keep gutters clear and clean.
  • Repair leaks from pipes or other places where excessive moisture or puddling is a problem.
  • Trim back trees and bushes to provide more sunlight to damp, shady areas.
  • Clean more often to lower the risk of dirt and debris from sticking and building up on the siding.


While cleaning your vinyl siding may not be at the top of your bucket list, it’s important to remove the unappealing, unhealthy mold from growing and spreading to other areas of your home’s exterior.

For professional mold remediation and removal, be sure to contact the experts at RCS in Santa Rosa.

pumpkins in field

Fall Decorating and Mold

Decorating your home with pumpkins and gourds is a great way to welcome in the fall season.
While these autumn fruits are a staple in fall decorating, they also present an opportunity to introduce mold into your home.

Find out what you can do to prevent a mold problem from ruining your fall decorating displays.

How Fall Decorating is a Mold Threat

As you bring those fall fruits into your home, they will begin to rot.

Pumpkins and gourds rot quickly because they are exposed to all the outdoor moisture, bacteria and dirt needed for them to grow. Additionally, trace amounts of mold are already on the pumpkins and gourds out there in the field.

Without some kind of treatment, the fresh fruits will decay and when that happens, it gives mold an opportunity to grow. Your fruit may no longer be ripe, but the conditions for mold are.
The problem with active mold is that it contains and releases tiny particles known as mycotoxins and spores, which easily become airborne and spread throughout your home.

The best course of defense against decay and mold growth in this situation is to remove as much of that dirt, bacteria, and moisture as possible from the fruit before decorating.

Preventing Seasonal Mold

Before carving those jack-o-lanterns or putting pumpkins or gourds on display, treat them with a simple solution to delay rotting and mold.

Treating fall fruit is easy and you probably already have all of the ingredients for the cleaning mixture at home.

Cleaning Mixture for Treating Fall Fruits

The mixture is a combination of one gallon water, two tablespoons of bleach and a drop of liquid dish soap. Mix together in the kitchen sink or a bucket.

Soak gourds and pumpkins in the mixture for 30 minutes. Note that pumpkins and gourds don’t need to be completely soaked and submerged, just thoroughly cleaned, including the stem.

Periodically roll pumpkins around to evenly coat the fruit.

After cleaning, rinse the gourds and pumpkins well and dry completely.

For an extra layer of protection, lightly spray with a clear protective sealant and let dry completely.

Eliminating Mold from Fall Decorating

The best way to combat mold is to try to prevent it. If it’s too late for that, treat the mold with vinegar or a mixture of bleach and water.

While bleach is typically the go to mold killer and disinfectant, vinegar usually works better to clean mold from porous surfaces such as tables, shelves, or countertops.


Combine 1 cup of bleach with 1 cup of water. Mix well, pour into a spray bottle. Saturate mold with mixture, let soak for 30 minutes. Rinse and dry well. Repeat as needed.


Use undiluted white distilled vinegar in a spray bottle and saturate moldy areas. Let soak, rinse thoroughly and let air dry.

Always protect yourself with gloves and a mask when treating mold.

If areas affected by mold exceed 10 square feet, call a mold remediation company to safely treat and eliminate the mold.


While decorating is fun and gets you into the autumn spirit, it also comes with risks for mold contamination.

In Sonoma County, call the go-to mold remediation specialists at RCS. No matter how it makes its way into your home, RCS is here to resolve all of your mold issues.

painted hand holding leaf

Eco-Friendly Tips For Eliminating Mold

Eliminating mold is a concern for staying healthy, especially for those with chronic respiratory issues such as asthma or severe allergies.

Finding eco-friendly ways to prevent and eliminate mold is an even healthier choice.

Here are some eco-friendly ways you can stay healthier while getting rid of mold.

Mold Prevention

Mold prevention takes away the need to use any cleaning products for mold removal, which is the best option. Preventing mold is easier than cleaning it up once it begins to grow.

Here are some things you can do to prevent mold from growing in your home.

  • Look for and repair any leaky faucets, pipes, or hoses as soon as you find them.
  • Repair leaky windows, doors, and the roof to avoid excess water from getting inside your home.
  • Keep your house as dry as possible by sopping up any water right away and using a dehumidifier or fan to dry out wet areas.
  • Use the exhaust fan during stovetop cooking in the kitchen.
  • During and after showering, turn on the exhaust fan or slightly open a window to keep air flow moving.
  • Permanently remove carpeting from bathrooms or kitchens where water spills are frequent, and carpet stays wet.
  • Remove and dry out any wet carpeted bath mats from the bathroom as soon as possible.
  • Choose mold-resistant paint especially in kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Re-grade the soil against the home foundation sloping away from the foundation.
  • Clean out gutters and downspouts to keep them clear from any debris that blocks water flow.
  • Keep humidity levels in your home under 50% by using a dehumidifier.
  • Test your home for mold if you notice a strong musty odor that won’t go away.
  • If excessive moisture, humidity or mold continue to be a problem, call a professional mold remediation company to find and eliminate the source of the problem.

Eco-friendly Mold Removal Products

Since toxic chemicals can trigger respiratory distress, using eco-friendly products makes even more sense for a healthier alternative to clean away mold.

Here are some options you can use to remove mold, many of which you may already have in your home.


Vinegar is truly an eco-friendly miracle for many uses around the home, including mold clean up. Because of its anti-bacterial qualities, vinegar is capable of killing off most types of mold.

Use vinegar by pouring into a spray bottle without diluting with water. Spray the full-strength vinegar enough to saturate the affected area. Let sit for about an hour, then rinse off with water and dry.

The worst part about vinegar is the smell, which thankfully dissipates within a few hours.

Hydrogen Peroxide

For the best results, use hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 3 percent or more.

Pour into a spray bottle to reduce contact with your skin since higher concentrations can irritate skin.

Spray directly onto mold, let sit for about 10 minutes and wipe down with a clean, wet cloth.

Baking Soda

Completely dissolve a ¼ tablespoon of baking soda into a spray bottle full of water.

Spray the moldy area and let sit for about 10 minutes. When ready, lightly brush or scrub the area and wipe dry with a clean cloth.

Ingredients to Avoid

When looking for eco-friendly options, make sure the products you choose do not contain ingredients such as:

  • Alcohol
  • Ammonia
  • Chlorine

Read product labels for descriptions such as “phosphate free,” “petroleum free,” “biodegradable,” or “botanical.”

Professional Mold Remediation

If you need help finding ways to prevent, locate or eliminate mold in your home, don’t hesitate to call a mold remediation professional for advice.

Take advantage of a free consultation and any recommendations their years of experience can offer you.

At RCS, we offer expert advice and services to eliminate your mold issues with the latest in healthy, eco-friendly products and techniques.

living space

3 Ways to Spot Mold in Your Living Space

Mold is a common problem in many homes. While it might seem harmless at first, it’s not. Mold can cause everything from foundational damage to respiratory problems.

What Causes Mold to Grow in the Home?

There are many things that can cause mold to grow in the home. These include:

  • Poor ventilation
  • Water leaks
  • Humidity
  • Constant darkness

3 Ways to Tell if Mold is in Your Home

Test Walls With Bleach: One way to see if there might be mold in your home is to test a small wall patch with bleach. To do this, simply mix one part bleach with 16 parts water. After doing so, take a q-tip, dip it into the mixture, and then dab it on the wall. If you see that the wall starts to lighten after you do so, you have a mold problem.

There are Discolorations on Your Walls, Ceilings, or Floors: Another way to tell if mold is in your living space is by looking to see if there are discolorations on your walls, ceilings, or floors. This is usually a sign of water damage that invites mold spores to grow and spread.

There’s a Musty Smell Lingering Around: If you smell a strong musty odor in your home it’s a sign of mold. This smell is caused by mold emitting certain compounds as it breaks down walls or other objects.

How to Get Rid of Mold

Spray Vinegar on the Spots: Vinegar is very helpful at destroying mold thanks to its strong acidity. You can put some into a spray bottle and then squirt it on the mold. Let it rest for an hour and then wipe the area off with a towel.

Use a Dehumidifier: A dehumidifier is a device designed to pull humidity out the air – something which can form mold. Because it removes moisture, a dehumidifier can also help remove odors left behind by mold. While it won’t kill mold spores, it will eliminate them from the air.

Apply Tea Tree Oil: This essential oil is antibacterial which not only removes mold, but prevents it from growing. To make a tea tree oil spray, mix two teaspoons of this essential oil with two cups of water. Pour this mixture into a spray bottle and then apply it to the area of concern. Let it sit for about an hour and then use a brush to scrub the mold off.

Mold is a serious issue that not only causes structural damage, but health concerns. If you’re worried that you might have mold in your Sonoma County home, RCS can help. Our professionals will meticulously inspect your living space and remove any mold that might present.