Most look forward to the fall thanks to its vibrant colors and cool temperatures. But, for some, this season can be a huge inconvenience because of its allergens. Below you’ll discover some of the most frequent sources of fall allergies and how you can protect yourself from them.

4 Common Fall Allergies

Ragweed: This plant is one of the most notorious fall allergies. It thrives during this season because of its cool temperatures and heavy rain. It’s particularly bad because just one ragweed plant can produce up to one million pollen spores. With the assistance of chilly winds, these spores can travel long distances leading to you breathing them in. This can result in serious nasal congestion, sneezing, headaches, and a sore throat.

Mildew: Mildew forms year-round but it’s particularly evident in the fall. This season can bring a lot of rain and moisture which encourages the growth of mold. You’ll notice that it grows rapidly outdoors in areas near leaves and around windows.

Pet Dander: As fall begins, you might find that your pet has started shedding their summer coat. While this might not be a big event for some animals, if you have a very furry one, like a golden retriever, it could fill your home not only with their fur but dander. These could sneak into your ductwork contaminating the air you breathe causing allergic reactions.

Cypress: In northern California, cypresses flourish. While beautiful throughout the year, during the fall, they can be a big nuisance. As the season rolls on, cypress spores can irritate your respiratory system.

How to Protect Yourself From Them

Keep Your Windows Closed: It might be tempting to open your windows during this season, but it’s crucial you don’t. If you do, you’ll only invite these allergens into your home. They can get caught in your ductwork, furniture, and clothing making any allergy attacks even worse. Because of these, make sure your windows stay shut.

Clean Your Carpets: Pet dander, mildew, and plant spores can get trapped in carpet fibers. As you walk on it, you can spread the spores around your home. To prevent this, make sure to do a deep clean of your carpets at least once during this season.

Run an Air Purifier: You might also want to run an air purifier in your home. Most contain a HEPA filter which can collect and trap any airborne allergens.

Fall allergies can be annoying, but with these tips, you can better protect yourself from them. If you’re concerned your home might have mold damage caused by these allergens, call RCS in Santa Rosa. We’ll send a team out to investigate the issue and get to work quickly fixing it.