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5 Signs Your Plumbing Lines Are Damaged

Bad Odor

Many times, we don’t know when our plumbing lines are broken until it’s too late. But, there are a few ways you can easily determine when there might be a concern. This post will explain more about what causes this problem and a few indications that you might need to get them repaired.

What Causes Damaged Pipes?

There are many things that could result in ruined pipes. A common culprit is pests. Often, rats will chew into them to not only sharpen their teeth but find a water source. Some might also use the pipes as a tunnel so they can get to different sections of your home. Another issue is incorrect debris being flushed down the toilet or sink. Some people put grease, paper towels, or food scraps down them. While this might seem harmless at first, you’ll soon find that they can wear down the pipes and even create a blockage. If not caught, it could cause a backup in your sewer system. Your pipes might also be destroyed due to plant roots. Because your plumbing lines are connected to a septic system, if a tree or bush happens to wrap around the attached drain, it will create punctures. This won’t only break the pipe but cause the toxic debris to seep out.

5 Signs Your Plumbing Lines Need Repair

There are countless ways you can tell if you might need to get a professional to inspect your pipes. Here are some to watch out for.
  • Your home has a sudden musty or gas-like smell.
  • You notice an increase of pests around your home.
  • There are water puddles and moist areas in your living space.
  • You find that your drains aren’t working well.
  • There are cracks in your home’s foundation.

How to Protect Your Pipes

If you want to avoid this issue keep these tips in mind.
  • Do frequent inspections of your home. This can help you catch potential leaks and damages before they become a bigger problem.
  • Make sure your plumbing lines are properly insulated. If they’re constantly exposed to extreme temperatures, you risk them cracking.
  • Watch what you flush down the toilet and sink.
Keeping your pipes healthy is crucial if you want to avoid pricey issues. But, if you suspect you might have a broken plumbing line and need it to be fixed, RCS can help. Our reconstruction specialists will get to work identifying the root cause and quickly replacing the damaged pieces to prevent further problems.