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How to Save Wood Floors From Water Damage

wood flooring santa rosa

Hardwood floors are a highlight in many homes thanks to their stunning looks and durability. Despite this, they can get ruined if they come into constant contact with water. Below you’ll find more information about how water hurts hardwood floors and how you can better defend them from it.

How Water Damages Wood Flooring

When water seeps into wood it will quickly soak into its fibers. Depending on how well the floor is sealed, the liquid will linger and spread through the planks. The longer this happens, the more likely cupping will occur. This results in the flooring abnormally expanding which can make it buckle.

Is Water Damage Serious?

Yes, this is a concerning problem. Not only will water damage ruin the hardwood’s aesthetics, but will encourage the growth of mold. When mold spores develop, they’ll cause the wood to turn black and green. They’ll also result in the area having a musty smell. If not fixed, your flooring won’t only look unsightly but could become a structural hazard.

3 Ways to Protect Wood Floors From Water

Apply a Sealant: One of the best ways to defend your floor from water damage is to seal it. Often, a polyurethane finish is ideal because it will enhance the wood’s grains while creating a strong barrier. While the seal won’t fully stop water from sneaking into the wood, it will do a better job at safeguarding it from serious issues. Don’t Wear Shoes On It: If you walk across the floor with dirty or wet shoes, any debris on them will get pressed into the floor. Many times, particles left behind by shoes go unnoticed because they’re so small. Despite this, they can cause major problems. To prevent this, it might be best to ban wearing shoes on your floors. If you prefer to wear shoes, invest in a pair that you only wear indoors. Quickly Clean Up Messes: You want to always clean up any water droplets from your floors as soon as you notice them. This will stop them from soaking into the floor. You can use paper towels to do so or have a mop on hand. Water damage is an alarming problem that can negatively affect your wood floors. By keeping these tips in mind, you can help shield your flooring from it. If you’re worried you might already have hardwood water damage, give RCS a call in Santa Rosa. We’ll be happy to inspect it and offer advice as to how it can be restored.

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What to Do If You Find a Water Leak

water damage santa rosa

Water leaks - these two words can become an expensive nightmare for homeowners. If not caught in time, they can often ruin your home’s structure. Many are usually unsure what to do when they come across one. Do you try to fix it yourself? Should you call a professional for help? Here are some signs that you might have a leak and a few tips you can use to stop it.

Signs Your Home Has a Water Leak

Water leaks can be obvious or hidden. Some of the most common instances that you might have one include:
  • You notice your water bill is abnormally high.
  • You hear water running behind the walls.
  • You find that paint or wallpaper is bubbling or peeling off of the wall.
  • Your home has a musty smell.

What to Do

If you notice a water leak, don’t panic. The first thing you’ll want to do is turn off the water valve. This is usually situated in your crawl space or near your living space’s main plumbing line. You’ll want to carefully turn it until you hear the water stop running. After doing so, go back to the leak and inspect it. If you notice a loose valve or screw, use pliers or a screwdriver to tighten it back in place. If there’s a crack, grab some plumber’s tape and wrap it around the spot. The tape will create tension which will keep the water inside the pipe and stop it from oozing out. Once this is done, call an expert to fix it. Many times, they’ll come out immediately, especially if you’re unable to temporarily stop the leak.

How to Prevent Water Leaks

Most of the time this issue can be averted by taking a few preventive steps. Some to do include:
  • Making sure to clean out your gutters. Otherwise, they’ll become clogged which can lead to water leaking over the edges and into small crevices.
  • Ensuring your sump pump is operating correctly.
  • Doing regular inspections of your pipes and appliances, especially dishwashers and toilets.
  • Avoiding putting grease and food scraps down drains which can create obstructions.
Water leaks can be a scary problem. Not only are they costly but they can ruin almost everything they come into contact with. If you’re worried you might have one or want to get your pipes inspected, contact RCS. We’ll quickly dispatch a team to inspect the problem and get to work repairing it.

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How is Drywall Installed?

drywall installation sonoma county

Drywall is commonly found in most homes and is used to not only insulate your living space but make it more flame-resistant. If you’re interested in learning more about this material and how it’s installed, keep reading. You’ll discover some interesting facts about it and more about its installation process.

What is Drywall?

Drywall is a flat piece of gypsum plaster that’s stuffed with compacted paper. Because of its rigidity and durability, it’s frequently used to cover walls. This material comes in various styles. Some types you’ll find are:
  • Standard
  • Mold-resistant
  • Fire-resistant
  • Soundproof

Signs You Need New Drywall

While this material is heavy-duty it can run into some problems. Here are a few signs to watch out for that indicate it’s time to get it replaced.
  • It’s discolored
  • It’s buckling or peeling
  • It has cracks
  • Its nails are popping out of place

How to Install Drywall

To hang drywall, you first need to measure the area you plan to install it in. These dimensions will help you figure out the right length and thickness the panels need to be. Once this is done, take the correctly measured pieces and lay them against the wall’s frame. You’ll then need to grab a drill and create holes in the middle and around the edges of the drywall sections. Make sure the holes are about 16 inches away from each other. Otherwise, you risk it buckling. You can then line drywall on the wall’s frame and tighten screws in the holes to secure it in place. After the first layer is on the wall you’ll want to add another for extra protection. This layer can be applied similarly to the first one. In some cases, you might need to use a utility knife to carve the drywall so it fits around windows and outlets. This process needs to be done carefully as even the slightest imperfection will show.

Should I Apply Drywall Myself?

Installing drywall can be a time-consuming and difficult task. Unless you’ve done it before, it’s probably best to use professional services. They can get the job done faster and are trained in cutting the pieces so they fit perfectly around tricky areas. Drywall is found in almost every structure because it does a good job of protecting them. If you notice that you're having problems, contact RCS. Our reconstruction team will investigate them and determine whether it would be beneficial to have them replaced.


Do HEPA Filters Work?

hvac filter santa rosa

Dust, pollen, pet dander - these are just a few particles that can contaminate your home’s air. While they might seem harmless, these items can irritate your respiratory system leading to many unpleasant side effects. HEPA filters are built to eradicate these fragments. But, many are often skeptical about them. Below you’ll find more information about how they work and whether they’re worth using.

What is a HEPA Filter?

A High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter uses various layers to sort through the air and remove particles. Its fibers are tightly sewn together which helps it trap even the smallest of debris.

How Do They Work?

This filter has four layers: Direct impaction - traps the largest pieces. Sieving - has small openings to block medium-size debris from sneaking through. Interception - similar to sieving but instead causes smaller particles to stick to its fibers. Diffusion - causes minuscule components to travel through its threads before eventually fastening onto them. Despite the multiple layers, HEPA filters are lightweight and compact. This way, they can easily fit into HVAC systems or in air purifying machines.

How Often Should I Replace Them?

Because HEPA filters do heavy-duty work it’s crucial to change them every three weeks. This will stop the fibers from getting clogged which would otherwise hinder proper airflow and lead to stuffy and contaminated air. Remember, you want to replace all your HEPA filters at the same time. This will help them work in harmony so you can be sure that your air is clean.

Are They Worth It?

HEPA filters are useful investments if you need to ensure that your home’s air is clean. This is especially so if you suffer from severe allergies. You’ll also notice that the filters can remove odors so your residence’s air will always stay fresh. In some cases, HEPA filters can also trap pathogens. However, the one downside is that they can harbor mold if not regularly replaced. This is because the filters are built to confine mold spores. If left alone, the spores could come into contact with moisture which will encourage them to spread on the filter. If you want to make sure your home’s air is fresh and free from common allergens, HEPA filters are worth using. If you’re interested in learning more about them and how they can prevent mold growth, contact RCS in Santa Rosa, CA . We’ll be happy to answer any questions or concerns that you have about them.

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