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3 Ways to Spot Mold in Your Living Space

living space

Mold is a common problem in many homes. While it might seem harmless at first, it’s not. Mold can cause everything from foundational damage to respiratory problems.

What Causes Mold to Grow in the Home?

There are many things that can cause mold to grow in the home. These include:
  • Poor ventilation
  • Water leaks
  • Humidity
  • Constant darkness

3 Ways to Tell if Mold is in Your Home

Test Walls With Bleach: One way to see if there might be mold in your home is to test a small wall patch with bleach. To do this, simply mix one part bleach with 16 parts water. After doing so, take a q-tip, dip it into the mixture, and then dab it on the wall. If you see that the wall starts to lighten after you do so, you have a mold problem. There are Discolorations on Your Walls, Ceilings, or Floors: Another way to tell if mold is in your living space is by looking to see if there are discolorations on your walls, ceilings, or floors. This is usually a sign of water damage that invites mold spores to grow and spread. There’s a Musty Smell Lingering Around: If you smell a strong musty odor in your home it’s a sign of mold. This smell is caused by mold emitting certain compounds as it breaks down walls or other objects.

How to Get Rid of Mold

Spray Vinegar on the Spots: Vinegar is very helpful at destroying mold thanks to its strong acidity. You can put some into a spray bottle and then squirt it on the mold. Let it rest for an hour and then wipe the area off with a towel. Use a Dehumidifier: A dehumidifier is a device designed to pull humidity out the air - something which can form mold. Because it removes moisture, a dehumidifier can also help remove odors left behind by mold. While it won’t kill mold spores, it will eliminate them from the air. Apply Tea Tree Oil: This essential oil is antibacterial which not only removes mold, but prevents it from growing. To make a tea tree oil spray, mix two teaspoons of this essential oil with two cups of water. Pour this mixture into a spray bottle and then apply it to the area of concern. Let it sit for about an hour and then use a brush to scrub the mold off. Mold is a serious issue that not only causes structural damage, but health concerns. If you’re worried that you might have mold in your Sonoma County home, RCS can help. Our professionals will meticulously inspect your living space and remove any mold that might present.

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