Many homeowners have to watch out for nasty pests that like to live in their home. While these can be unsightly to find running around in your living space, they can also bring diseases. Because of this, it’s important to get rid of them as soon as possible. Below you’ll find more about why they are so dangerous and some of the most common types found in homes.

The Dangers of Pests in the Home

Pests aren’t only a nuisance, but can bring serious health hazards with them. Some of the most common problems they cause include:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Asthma attacks
  • Lyme disease
  • Headaches
  • Fevers

3 Common Home Pests

Cockroaches: Cockroaches can quickly populate and spread a foul odor throughout your home. They often get into your residence by hiding in bags, furniture, or pipes.

Rodents: Rodents can spread numerous diseases, some of which can be fatal. They leave behind urine, droppings, and saliva that can be difficult to see at first. These pests tend to enter homes through cracks, vents, and chimney openings.

Termites: Termites are notorious home pests. Because of their small size, they can be invisible to the human eye, but their damage is very obvious once it begins. Termite damage can result in buckling floors, wood dust, and mud tubes on the edges of walls.

How to Prevent Them

There are a few different ways you can safely prevent these pests from stopping by your living space.

Apply Peppermint Oil to Areas: To keep pests away, consider applying peppermint oil to areas they congregate in. You can put about five drops on a cotton ball and then place it around the spots of concern. This will help deter rodents and numerous types of insects.

Make Sure to Clean: One of the most common reasons pests enter the home is because they’re looking for a place to live or find food. It’s crucial to clean up any leftover food and trash and ensure your trash cans are tightly closed to prevent enticing pests.

Seal Gaps Around Doors and Windows: If there are gaps around your doors or windows, it can invite pests to crawl through. You can do this by applying a layer of caulking around the edges. You could also tape weather stripping around them.

Finding pests crawling through your home can be a huge inconvenience and health risk. By keeping these tips in mind, you can keep them away. If you’re currently experiencing rodent  problems in your home, RCS can help. We offer a rat dropping clean-up service that ensures these hazardous particles are quickly and safely removed.