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The Damaging Effects of Roof Leaks

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One of the most obvious signs of a roof leak is a water spot on the ceiling. But did you know that oftentimes, the stain may not be directly under the leak? Roof leaks are challenging because they can be difficult to locate. Be on the lookout for these things to prevent greater expense and further damage.

Signs of a Leaky Roof

You know it’s time to do some investigating when you notice any of these potential signs which may result in roof leaks:
  • Active dripping water from the ceiling
  • Water stains on the ceiling
  • Sagging ceiling
  • Bulging walls
  • Warped doors
  • Musty smell
  • Missing or damaged shingles
  • Old or weather-damaged roof

Roof Damage

Depending on several factors and type of shingles, with asphalt shingles being the most common and least expensive material, a roof usually lasts for about 15-30 years. If you have an older roof, odds of tears, cracks, or missing shingles increase, and it will begin to fail. While standing on the ground, if you can see active mold, curling, damaged or missing shingles or rust around the flashing, odds are pretty good that you have a leaky roof.

Potential Damage from Roof Leaks

If you suspect you have a leaky roof, don’t put off repairs or replacement. Putting things off will only make things worse. Some of the damage incurred by roof leaks include:

Structural Damage

  • Damaged trusses which in turn damage fascia, rafters, ceiling joists, and framing.
  • Water damaged rafters result in wood softening and ultimately, rotting.
  • Leaky roofs cause water damage to interior walls and drywall, resulting in sagging, buckling and/or crumbling.
  • Water running down basement walls can negatively impact the foundation.

Energy Efficiency

Water from a roof leak can also destroy insulation in an attic. Poor insulation not only makes things drafty, but compromises overall comfort levels. Poor insulation makes the furnace or air conditioning run more, work harder, and costs you more money in energy bills.

Miscellaneous Damage

  • Depending on the location of your leak, water coming in can damage the electrical panel or wires within your home. This could short circuit your electrical system, damage wires or cause dangerous arcing or sparking.
  • Water staining on the ceiling, walls, and flooring.
  • Damage to ceiling-mounted fans and lighting.
  • Mold and mildew.
  • Rodents and bugs entering the home.
  • Damage to personal belongings.
Conclusion As you can see, roof leaks and the resulting damage is not something to ignore. Once the damage is done and the roof replaced, reach out to RCS for inspection and an action plan to remediate and restore all the water and potential mold damage.

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