Unless your familiarity with your home’s roof is rather extensive and you are physically able to perform inspections required to catch potential damages to it early on, you are well advised to leave such matters to a regularly scheduled inspection by a professional roofing contractor. What you can and should do, however, is to familiarize yourself with some of the main causes of roof damage so, if you discover any, you can schedule repairs before the damage becomes substantial.

Encroachment Of Nature

At the top of the list is understanding basic roof maintenance. Pay attention to such things as clogged gutters and overhanging tree limbs, both of which can cause minor damage that, if corrected early on, may reduce expensive repair costs. Debris that collects in gutters may affect drainage and lead to leaks and rust. Overhanging tree limbs can cause damage, either by eroding shingles from physical contact, or, worse, by a limb breaking off and puncturing your roof. Trim tree limbs whenever they grow too close to your roof.


Keep an eye out for excessive moisture which can lead to leaks. Rain and wind, along with debris collecting on your roof, has the potential to increase the likelihood of moisture collecting beneath the roof’s layers. Especially worthy of notice is any water that is ponding on your roof which may be the result of improper drainage involving issues with the flashing and sealant around heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units, as well as those from household appliances.


While educating yourself to watch out for damage due to clogged gutters, overhanging tree limbs and excessive moisture, there are some areas that impact the health of your roof for which you’re probably going to need to rely on a professional. Proper roof ventilation is a prime example. This is integral for the longevity of your roof because sufficient ventilation controls temperature and moisture levels in ceilings and attics, and excessive heat and moisture can damage rafters, insulation and sheathing. In addition, it may create a climate that can lead to mildew and mold. Last but not least it may result in increased energy costs.

Catching roof damage before it becomes severe is not easy, and while there are steps you as a homeowner can take to stay on top of the process, in the long run, there is no substitute for periodic inspections by a professional roofing company.