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What To Do About Mildew: Remove and Prevent

What To Do About Mildew Remove and Prevent

Mildew is a distinct type of mold. It commonly grows along baseboards, inside cabinets and even on the ceiling. Anywhere that moisture gathers is a breeding ground for mildew. You will probably notice a musty, damp odor around mildew. It is usually yellow or white and looks powdery. A little mildew isn’t necessarily dangerous but it can aggravate allergies and can eventually damage the surface that it grows on.

What To Do About Mildew: Remove and Prevent

Health issues with mildew

Inhaling mildew spores can cause headaches, sore throat, coughing, and respiratory problems. They can also aggravate allergy symptoms. If you feel like your allergies get worse after being in a certain part of your home, there may be mildew in that room that you haven’t seen yet.

How do I get rid of mildew?

Getting rid of mildew is pretty easy, simply wipe off surfaces with a damp rag. Diluted bleach is great to clean with since it kills mildew and bacteria. The bleach can also help get rid of any discoloration. Be careful to test your cleaning solution on a small spot to make sure it won’t do any damage to the surface the mildew is growing on.

How can I prevent mildew?

Prevent mildew by increasing ventilation in the room. If you have mildew in your bathroom, be sure to use your ventilation fan every time you take a shower so that moisture doesn’t condensate on the walls and ceiling. You can use a fan to increase air circulation if you don’t have a ventilation fan. Turn on your air conditioner in the summer to draw humidity out of the air. Keeping your home at 40 to 50 percent humidity will prevent most mildew from growing. The last thing you want to do is give mildew a warm, humid place to live. Use a dehumidifier in your basement or crawlspace to draw moisture out of the air in those naturally humid places. If you have had water damage in your home you are almost guaranteed to have a mold or mildew issue. Even if you don’t see any mildew, if you notice that your family is struggling with allergies or asthma you need to have your home checked. At Restoration Certified Specialists, we are equipped and experienced in dealing with all levels of mold and mildew issues. If the mildew problem is extensive or hard to get to or you are afraid to deal with it because of allergies, contact us. It is much better to be safe than to have health problems due to mildew.

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