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How Insects Could Signal A Leak

How Insects Could Signal A Leak

When it comes to some insects in your home, you will find that they are a direct result of moisture in your home as well as the mildews and fungi in your home. If you happen to see a lot of insects in your house, then it might be an indication that there is a water leak or some other form of moisture problem inside of your home. Some insects are feeders on mold and mildew, and they typically will require the humid conditions that mildew usually prefer.

If you want to find one of the best ways to look for a leak in your home, you really should keep an eye out to look for insects that might be in your home. If they happen to be the type of insects that gravitate towards water or mildew and mold, then it’s time for you to consider the fact that you might have a problem.

The following are some of the top insects that might spell leak:

The main one is the foreign grain beetle that comes along with a couple other tiny beetles that like to feed mainly on mildew and fungal spores that might occur when you have a leak in your house. Typically, you will find that it is common in new homes because there is mildew on some lumber that has absorbed water and provides a great food source for the insects, resulting in the infestation.

Additionally, there are some other insects that might cause some problems in your house and could indicate a leak such as the merchant and sawtoothed grain beetles and psocids.

Roaches and water bugs also gravitate toward water, so a sudden infestation of those may indicate a leak also.

If you’re wondering how to deal with a problem when it comes to an infestation with these bugs, then you will find that there are some helpful tips you can follow. For starters, ensure that you increase your home or building's ventilation, take measures to reduce the moisture, and have good sanitation at all times. Additionally, you need to understand that weeks and weeks of drying out may be necessary to help stop the infestation so don’t think you will see immediate results when you stop the problem.

As always, if you have excess moisture or a leak and you don’t take care of it, then the problem is just going to persist. Before you try and take care of the infestation, make sure you take care of the leak that led to the infestation, otherwise you will have the same problem in just a few weeks or it might not ever go away.



Termite Infestation: How to Control These Destructive Pests

Termite Infestation: How to Control These Destructive Pests


Every spring between the months of March and May, winged termites, called swarmers, begin to emerge in large numbers from their various winter shelters. Some nest in old tree stumps and trees, while others form large colonies in homes and buildings, eating away at walls and structural supports. Feeding primarily on living and seasoned wood, these destructive pests cause billions in property damage each year, and infestation is often a major obstacle for homeowners looking to put their property on the market. Here are some helpful tips to determine if your home is infested with termites, and what you can do about it if you do have an infestation on your hands.


How Can I Tell if my Home is Infested?

Termites are small black six-legged insects resembling ants except in their thorax shape and straight antennae. Most termites also emerge with wings capable of taking them to distant destinations in order to form colonies. Seeing winged termites outside does not necessarily your home is infested, but if you are seeing winged termites indoors, chances are your home is infested and in need of immediate treatment. Sometimes you will also spot mud tubes extending up from floors along walls and in corners of basements or other low traffic areas of the house. These tubes are termite colonies, and are proof-positive that your home is infested. If you spot winged termites indoors or mud tubes anywhere in your home, you should immediately contact an exterminator or pest control specialist to come out and do an inspection. Left unchecked, termite colonies in a home can cause severe structural damage that is costly and time consuming to repair.


What Can I do About a Termite Infestation?

Getting rid of a termite infestation effectively requires specialized skills and training, as well as a lot of specialized, purpose-specific equipment. Experts are best acquainted with how and where termites are likely to invade, and many of these ingress points are hidden and difficult to access. Vast quantities of a liquid pesticide called termiticide must be used to rid a home of infestation. Professional infestation treatment is highly recommended in all cases of home infestation to make sure that the termite threat is eradicated.


How do I Know What Pest Control Company to Choose?

This can be a somewhat complex process, but the ground rules for selection are extremely simple. Your termite control agency should be licensed by the US Department of Agriculture for regulation and control of termite infestations, and they should be a firm recognized for the extensive experience and knowledge of termite control. Research pest control in your area with these factors in mind.


If you suspect your home is infested, don’t wait to call a pest control service immediately. The sooner your termite problem is under control, the less likely it is that your home will suffer severe long term damage.