Although it’s easy to take for granted, the truth is that electricity can be dangerous. This becomes more evident if you experience electrical sparking coming from an outlet or appliance.

Because fire prevention is critically important, you should know what to do in case of an electrical sparking situation.

Causes for Electrical Sparking

Not all electrical sparking is reason for alarm. Common sparking that occurs when plugging in or unplugging an appliance may produce a blue-colored spark.

This is not cause for concern as the live outlet has come in close enough contact with the metal prongs of the appliance plug, causing the blue-colored spark. This just means the outlet is live and ready to power on your appliance.

Other than the blue-spark variety, more serious electrical sparking can be caused by:

  • Defective electrical wiring, short circuits
  • Defective electrical outlets
  • Improper electrical installation, wiring
  • Overloaded electrical circuits
  • Wet surfaces around the outlet, water on or near cords
  • Defective appliances

Electrical Sparking Action Steps

Here’s what you need to do in the event of electrical sparking:

Cut Electricity to the Source

Use caution when turning off an appliance after sparking.

Depending on the situation, the item may have become charged and if you touch it, you may get shocked. Using gloves or a towel to touch the appliance may minimize the risk of electric shock.

If the situation appears safe, turn the appliance off.

Have someone either watch the appliance while you turn off the circuit breaker or have them turn off the circuit breaker. The idea is to completely cut off electricity to the appliance without leaving the appliance and area unsupervised.

Cutting the electricity at the circuit breaker may seem extreme, but not if there’s an undetected problem with the wiring.

Once the power to the outlet is off, unplug the appliance from the outlet. This stabilizes the appliance and eliminates any electrical charge or current.

In the case of a small electrical fire, unplugging the appliance at this point reduces the path of the fire from the outlet and minimizes the risk of a bigger fire.

Electrical Sparking Aftermath

If the sparking results in a small fire, put out the fire with a fire extinguisher or flour which helps to extinguish the flames. Don’t use a towel or anything flammable.

If it smells like something is burning, keep the fire extinguisher handy, as heat may be building in the outlet even after the power has been turned off.

Once the situation has stabilized, inspect the appliance for frayed wires. You may need to take the appliance apart to inspect internal wiring.

Odds are the appliance should be discarded. If it’s an expensive appliance, you can take it into an appliance dealer to see if it can be salvaged and/or repaired.

Check for Electrical Damage

Using a voltage meter, check the affected outlet to make sure there is no electricity running through it.

Remove the outlet cover and inspect the junction box for damage such as melted plastic or wires.

If you notice fire damage or aren’t sure, call an electrician for inspection before using the outlet again.


Being aware and ready to take action, especially in the case of electrical sparking that causes fire damage, gives you more confidence to manage the situation.

If you have experienced more serious fire damage and need professional clean up and/or restoration, RCS in Santa Rosa has all the tools and support you need to restore your home back to pre-fire condition.