What comes to mind when you think of moldy household appliances? You might be surprised to realize that your washer or refrigerator are not the only appliances where mold is likely to breed and spread. Sure, when our appliances are brand new, we don’t expect to see the fuzzy spots that become so common around moisture when it is left unattended. Realistically, there are several common household appliances that get old and prone to moisture build-up. Preventing this mold inviting situation should not be put off until you notice the first signs of black or green on the surfaces of your appliances, but you should purchase your new ones with mold prevention in mind. Here are a few suggestions for achieving clean and mold free appliances in your home.

Washing machine

So, we’re picking on the likeliest culprit first, and with good reason. A home’s laundry room is notorious for moisture because it houses your washing machine, but even the dryer can create enough humidity to cause condensation on walls and other areas in the small space. Also, depending on the type of washer you have, mold can be hiding anywhere from the detergent drawer to the drum. However, moisture is not the only path that mold spores can take to infest areas in your home. Dirt or cellulose on clothing can be a food-like source for mold as well. That’s why it’s a good idea to avoid leaving dirty laundry over several days. Wash and dry clothes promptly, leaving the door or lid of your washer open afterwards, giving the creases and other moisture prone areas a chance to dry out. Giving the washer a thorough cleaning on a monthly basis is another way to reduce the risk of mold growth in the laundry room.


Not only is mold in your refrigerator unsightly and unhealthy, it can be quite embarrassing. Leaving food uncovered in your fridge gives it time to mix with the moisture inside, making it an easy place for mold to grow. You probably do a great job of keeping your refrigerator shelves clean, but there are other areas of concern inside your cold food storage appliance. For instance, check and empty drip pans regularly. Pay attention to any liquids or foods containing sugar or other sweeteners that might spill inside. Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar are two good ways to keep the refrigerator cleaned out without exposing your food to remnants of chemicals. Use one of them at least once a month to clean all inside compartments thoroughly. Just as a word to the wise, don’t neglect the door creases. They can be cleaned using a small scrub brush. Allow all removable parts to dry after cleaning before replacing them.


Not finding the time to clean your dishwasher regularly could invite it to the moldy appliance party. It has compartments, creases, and crevices where moisture can hold up just like your refrigerator and washing machine. Small bits of food can easily become trapped in the silverware basket allowing room for mold to grow. The best defense against errant food particles is rinsing dishes thoroughly before loading them into the dishwasher. You should also allow a little time for the appliance itself to air dry by leaving the door open after each completed cycle. It doesn’t take long for drying to occur, so remember to close it securely once it has finished. It’s a good idea to wash the silverware baskets once or twice a week. Most dishwashers have a heat-dry function, and you can use it regularly to kill bacteria, but remember to let it dry completely after this as well.

Final thoughts

If you’re experiencing any kind of excessive moisture in or around your appliances, you have to consider that there may be another outside source. Pipe or water line leaks can cause that moisture, and you will do best to consult a professional to have your home inspected for any such leaks. If they find a bigger problem, they can do what needs to be done to correct it. Contact Restoration Certified Specialists to perform mold remediation of damage to or by your appliances. We can inspect your property and give you an estimate of the expected costs. Give us a call today.