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Houseplants That Fight Off Mold?

large house plant

In the war against keeping mold out of your home, an overlooked yet helpful tool is to fill your home with everyday houseplants. There are more than a few good varieties of plants that do a great job of absorbing extra humidity and moisture inside your home. In doing so, they help eliminate the conditions mold needs to grow. Read on to find out which common houseplants help purify and filter indoor air to help reduce the risk of mold.

How Houseplants Help Reduce Mold

There are several houseplants that are excellent at absorbing moisture through their leaves. Once absorbed, the excess moisture and humidity moves through the leaves and down to the roots, supplying extra hydration for the plant. The best choices for houseplants to control mold are the ones best able to absorb moisture and humidity, which is needed for mold to thrive.

Peace Lily

A highly recommended plant for mold prevention, peace lilies can help reduce toxins and mold spores by as much as 50-60%. Other benefits include the ability to break down and remove formaldehyde, classified as a volatile organic compound (VOC) found in smoke generated from cooking, pressed wood, and adhesives. Peace lilies grow well in humid conditions, so are great for placement in kitchens or bathrooms for purification and improved air quality. Because they are toxic to children and pets, these are hanging plants meant to be kept out of reach.

English Ivy

According to a study by Allergy & Air, this houseplant was found to reduce airborne toxins in mold-polluted air by 78% in approximately 12 hours. Anyone suffering from allergies or asthma may find relief from distressing respiratory symptoms with this houseplant. English Ivy is able to reduce airborne mold spores and in turn, the overall levels of active mold. This plant also thrives in humid conditions, so bathrooms are an excellent location. As is the case with peace lilies, this plant is also highly toxic to small children and pets so should be hung in high, out of reach places.

Boston Fern

Boston ferns are a popular and pretty plant that does an excellent job of reducing airborne toxins and mold spores by absorption through the leaves. These plants also help remove another common household VOC known as toluene, which is found in things like nail polish, stain removers and glue. Boston ferns thrive in humidity, shade and are easy to maintain, making them a great choice for reducing the potential for mold and mildew in your home anywhere you put them.

Spider Plant

Spider plants are another winner for knocking out allergens and toxins in the prevention of mold in your home. They work by absorbing humidity and mold spores through their leaves, making it a wonderful air purifier. Another bonus of the spider plant is its ability to control dust and remove carbon monoxide from the air. Spider plants have been found to remove up to 90% of these toxins and mold spores from indoor air in just a few days. Place several spider plants around your home for a whole-home way to freshen and purify air. These easy-to-care-for plants are safe for children and pets so can be placed freely on tables and shelves. Since they release oxygen at night, placing them in bedrooms will make breathing better and easier. Conclusion For a healthy, green way to purify the air in your home and improve air quality, stock up on some mold-busting houseplants. To professionally clean and rid your house of mold, call the remediation specialists at RCS in Santa Rosa.

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