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Wastewater Parasites: What You Need to Know

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Did you know that there are over one million microorganisms in just one millimeter of wastewater alone? Many of these microorganisms are parasites that could cause serious health concerns if they enter your home. This article will explore some of the most common wastewater parasites and how you can prevent them from spreading.

What is Wastewater?

Wastewater is water that has been contaminated. This contamination can be due to multiple things, including human waste, chemicals, food scraps, and oils. Once the water is used, it will flow through your septic system and be stored in your sewer.

What Causes Wastewater Parasites?

Wastewater harbors many different diseases and parasites because it creates a comfortable environment for them to grow. These naturally occur and won’t usually spread unless your septic system is damaged or clogged.

Common Types of Wastewater Parasites

There are four main types of wastewater parasites: Nematodes, Ascaris, Trichuris, and Toxocara. These parasites form due to various reasons and remain in the sewer unless extracted. The parasites form in the wastewater due to different reasons but are generally found in it because of disease or poor soil management.

Are Wastewater Parasites Dangerous?

These parasites can be dangerous if you come into contact with them. They often cause bacterial diseases, such as gastroenteritis and salmonellosis. Some might also result in hookworm infections which could cause stomach pain, loss of appetite, and a fever.

Do These Parasites Spread?

Most of these parasites stay in the septic system. However, if there is a problem with the system, it will cause them to spread. For instance, if your septic system leaks wastewater into the ground, anyone who steps on the infected soil could track it around and in your home. You’ll also find that if there’s a problem with your water pipes it will make it easier for the wastewater to contaminate your drinking water. In addition to this, if an insect touches wastewater and then crawls through your home, they could track the parasites through it.

How to Prevent Sewage Leaks

There are a handful of ways you can prevent home sewage leaks to keep these parasites away. Quickly Repair Dripping Pipes: One of the best ways to avert sewage problems is to repair leaking pipes. If the pipes transport wastewater to the sewer, any punctures in them will cause wastewater to fall out. By ensuring the pipes are repaired, it will stop the water from dripping. Watch What You Put Down the Drain: Many people pour food scraps or grease down the drain. While these might not cause a problem at first, it could lead to a pipe blockage. This will trap water and harbor bacteria. Remove Nearby Trees: Trees near your septic system could spread their roots near the system’s pipes. These small roots are very powerful and will push their way into the pipes. This will create small holes that will allow wastewater to escape. Because of this, removing trees near the septic system might be worthwhile. Wastewater parasites can cause harm if you don’t take careful measures to prevent them. Around Santa Rosa, CA RCS offers water extraction services that will quickly remove leaking water from your septic line to stop these pests from entering your home.

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5 Signs of Termite Damage

termite damage santa rosa

Your home will unfortunately come into contact with many pests that could cause destruction if not removed. One of the most common is termites. While they might not be obvious, they can cause significant damage. Below you’ll discover more behind these menacing insects and some signs that they might be causing damage around your living space.

What are Termites?

Termites are tiny insects that look similar to ants. However, unlike ants, they have a white body and are only about ¼-inch long.

Are Termites Dangerous?

This invisible creature isn’t necessarily dangerous to human health like rats or cockroaches, but their damage can be. When termites strike, they will wear down certain home parts which could cause structural damage. This could also result in irritating dust and mold spores that could spread throughout your home.

5 Signs of Termite Damage

Mud Tubes on Walls and Ceilings: One of the most obvious signs that you have termite damage is if you see mud tubes on your home’s walls or ceilings. These are tunnels for the termites to travel through to get to different parts of their colony. Termites will make these tubes out of dirt and mud and pack them tightly on the wall to ensure they stay protected from predators. Small Holes in the Wall: Termites will eat holes into the wall where they can later leave fecal matter. These holes are very small and will look like black specks. Wing Piles: If you notice piles of wings on the floor, you probably have a termite problem. Young termites need wings to fly to their new habitat. Once they arrive, they will discard their wings. While the wings can be found indoors, they are usually located around your home’s foundation. Buckling Floors: Buckling floors might look like water damage, but they could be a sign of termites. Termites will form small tunnels beneath the floor which can weaken it. This will result in it warping and making creaking sounds as you walk across it. Clicking Sounds Behind Your Walls: Another sign you might have a termite infestation is if you hear clicking sounds behind your walls. Termites will hit their heads against wood to make this sound as a way to warn other colony members of potential danger. Termites can be very harmful to both your home and health if not eradicated. RCS offers reconstruction contract work to quickly fix any destruction these pesky insects might have caused.

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5 Easy Ways to Prepare Your Crawl Space for Winter

winter home snow

A crawl space is designed to protect your home from mold and improve its air circulation. Despite not being a regularly used area, it plays a crucial role in your residence’s durability. Because of this, it’s important to make sure it’s ready to handle tough conditions, especially in the winter. This article will explore why you need to protect your crawl space during this season and a few ways you can winterize it.

Common Crawl Space Issues in the Winter

The chilly months can cause a few unique issues in your crawl space. Because of the temperature fluctuations, it can result in high levels of humidity in the crawl space. This could cause mildew or encourage certain pests to live in it. Besides this, improper insulation could cause your heating bill to increase because cold air is escaping into your home.

5 Ways to Winterize Your Crawl Space

Add Insulation: A great way to protect your home from cold air is to insulate your crawl space. This works to conserve energy while improving your air circulation. The insulation will also protect delicate pipes that could freeze and eventually burst. Shut Your Air Vents: You’ll want to make sure to close the crawl space’s air vents. Cold air can sneak into their slots and make its way into your home. It will also deter small pests from creeping into the crawl space to stay warm. Install a Vapor Barrier: A vapor barrier is a tool you can install in your crawl space to stop moisture which can prevent mold growth. This will also work to regulate air temperatures so that cold air doesn’t blow into your home. Inspect it for Leaks: To protect your home from water damage, consistently check your crawl space for leaks. During the winter, these leaks could cause hidden water damage that will end up being pricey to fix. In addition to this, do periodic inspections to ensure that there aren't frozen pipes. Ensure the Entrance is Sealed: Sealing the crawl space entrance is also crucial. If there are crevices around it, cold air will flow into the crawl space. This will also make it easier for pests, especially rodents, to sneak inside. If you notice areas of concern, fill them in with caulking. You might also want to apply weather stripping around the edges of the entrance which will block water from seeping into the crawl space. Preparing your crawl space for the winter is important if you want to prevent potential water damage and cold air from blowing into your home. If you’d like to winterize your crawl space for this chilly time, RCS can help. Our crawl space clean-up service will ensure that any signs of dampness or small crevices are removed and sealed. This way, you can be confident your crawl space is prepared for the season.

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Can Mold Grow in the Winter?

rain winter time

Mold is a common issue in most homes. However, many often think they’re safe from it once winter strikes. The bad news is, you’re not. Mold can grow at any time and in any place. This article will touch on mold growth in the winter and a few ways you can prevent it.

What is Mold?

Mold is a fungus that grows both indoors and outdoors. Its prime living condition is dark, humid places. Because of this, it’s often found in homes, especially in basements and attics. There are numerous types of home molds you need to watch out for:
  • Acremonium
  • Aspergillus
  • Chaetomium
  • Fusarium

Is Mold Dangerous?

This fungus can be very dangerous depending on the type that grows. Minor molds, like Cladosporium, rarely cause negative effects in people. However, stronger molds, like Aspergillus, could result in fevers, coughing, and shortness of breath.

Can Mold Grow in the Winter?

Mold unfortunately doesn’t stop growing no matter what season it is. While it might not be visible in certain areas during the winter, mold can grow behind walls, in windows, and within your ductwork. This is because there tends to be a lot of dry air and humidity in these spaces.

3 Ways to Prevent Mold Growth in Your Home

Lower Your Home’s Humidity: Mold loves humidity. During the winter, certain activities, like showering or cooking, can encourage your home to be more humid than normal. This can invite mold to grow in crevices and areas where there is hidden water damage. You can do a few things to keep your home’s humidity low during the winter. These include:
  • Adding insulation around your windows
  • Blowing fans in rooms
  • Using a dehumidifier
Watch for Leaks: Leaks are common in the winter. They can be caused by various things, including frozen pipes or a crack around your windows. While they might seem harmless, they can cause mold growth. The condensation will have no place to escape meaning that puddles of water will sit. Over time, this will encourage dangerous bacteria to grow. Open Windows: It might sound strange to recommend opening your windows during cold weather, but it can be very helpful. By doing so, it will increase air circulation in your home. This will lower humidity and provide your residence with fresh air. Mold isn’t only unsightly but can lead to serious health issues. If you’re concerned your home might have hidden mold growth, RCS can help. We offer a mold removal and remediation service that ensures any traces of this fungus is eradicated.

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