Your home will unfortunately come into contact with many pests that could cause destruction if not removed. One of the most common is termites. While they might not be obvious, they can cause significant damage. Below you’ll discover more behind these menacing insects and some signs that they might be causing damage around your living space.

What are Termites?

Termites are tiny insects that look similar to ants. However, unlike ants, they have a white body and are only about ¼-inch long.

Are Termites Dangerous?

This invisible creature isn’t necessarily dangerous to human health like rats or cockroaches, but their damage can be. When termites strike, they will wear down certain home parts which could cause structural damage. This could also result in irritating dust and mold spores that could spread throughout your home.

5 Signs of Termite Damage

Mud Tubes on Walls and Ceilings: One of the most obvious signs that you have termite damage is if you see mud tubes on your home’s walls or ceilings. These are tunnels for the termites to travel through to get to different parts of their colony. Termites will make these tubes out of dirt and mud and pack them tightly on the wall to ensure they stay protected from predators.

Small Holes in the Wall: Termites will eat holes into the wall where they can later leave fecal matter. These holes are very small and will look like black specks.

Wing Piles: If you notice piles of wings on the floor, you probably have a termite problem. Young termites need wings to fly to their new habitat. Once they arrive, they will discard their wings. While the wings can be found indoors, they are usually located around your home’s foundation.

Buckling Floors: Buckling floors might look like water damage, but they could be a sign of termites. Termites will form small tunnels beneath the floor which can weaken it. This will result in it warping and making creaking sounds as you walk across it.

Clicking Sounds Behind Your Walls: Another sign you might have a termite infestation is if you hear clicking sounds behind your walls. Termites will hit their heads against wood to make this sound as a way to warn other colony members of potential danger.

Termites can be very harmful to both your home and health if not eradicated. RCS offers reconstruction contract work to quickly fix any destruction these pesky insects might have caused.