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4 Steps To Handling A Flooded Basement

water damage basement

Returning home from a long day at work only to hear water sounds emitting from your basement is never a delightful experience. Unfortunately, flooding is a more common occurrence then we like to admit. Between natural groundwater incidences, sewage and plumbing failures, we are bound to experience a flooding issue at some point. In this article, we will discuss what to do if you find that your basement has flooded.

Play It Safe

First and foremost is safety! An issue cannot be resolved if you find yourself in the hospital. Where there is pooled water there could be electricity as well. We all know this combo to be dangerous, and this is why you should never enter a flooded basement or any other area that is flooded when there are electrical outlets present. Ensure all power has been shut off to prevent injury. It is equally important to be aware of any harmful chemicals or pollutants that may be present, such as if the flood is caused by a sewage leak. Always wear protective gear before entering a flooded area.

Turn Off Water And Electric

As mentioned above, you should turn off the electricity in your home before entering a flooded area. The same goes for the water in your home. If you don’t know where the leak is coming from, the best way to cease it is to shut off your water. This will prevent additional flooding from any plumbing failures that may have taken place. To prevent any additional sewage-related flooding, avoid using appliances such as your dishwasher, washing machine, and toilets. Once the source of the flood is found and resolved, you can resume normal usage.

Call Your Insurance Company

With all flooding and water damage, you should call your insurance company to review your coverage options. The agent you speak with will provide information on the claims process and will likely advise on the do’s and don’ts of flood safety. Many agents will also provide a list of contractors available for you to call.

Call The Professionals

Whenever you are faced with flooding or any type of water damage, call the professionals. If you’re in the Sonoma County area, our experts right here at Restoration Certified Specialists are ready to assist! We will provide efficient cleanup and repair of all water damaged parts in your home along with treating and preventing the growth of molds and mildew. Our 24 hour a day emergency service allows for a quick response so that you don’t need to worry about your home suffering any long-term damage. If you suffer any form of flooding, whether it be in the basement, under a sink, or in any other room of your home, call RCS, we are here to help.

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