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Preparing For, Preventing, And Recovering From A Flood

water damage santa rosa, ca

No matter where you live in Sonoma County, a house flood can be a legitimate concern (especially in the Russian River neighborhoods) for costly repairs, loss of sentimental items, and possible relocation of your family. Flood insurance is an invaluable resource to have, but what else can you do about a flood? It’s best to prepare for a flood, so you can limit the amount of damage done; take steps to prevent a flood; and know what to do to recover from unavoidable flood damage. Prepare for a Flood

  • In the event of an environmental flood warning, you’ll have extra time to take precautions, so you should move your valuable things (like furniture and personal documents somewhere safe).
  • Pack an emergency kit: this kit should contain copies of your personal documents (in the event of total destruction of your home), flashlights with extra batteries, everyday medicine, and hopefully a cellphone (and extra chargers/batteries).
  • Also, ensure your electrical sockets are at least a foot above the estimated flood level.
Preventing a Flood
  • If possible, consider raising your home on piers or stilts. (This is easiest to do when you’re building your own home.) Also consider foundation vents which allow water to move through your home instead of around it.
  • Apply sealants, then separate any mulch from the siding of your house, grade your lawn away from your home, and point downspouts away from your house. Water pooling around your home is a recipe for flood disaster.
  • Purchase a sump pump (with a battery backup), this will allow you to pump out any water that may enter your home.
Recovering from a Flood
  • When nature decides to irreparably flood your home, then be sure to evacuate as soon as you can; it’s better to lose a house than a life.
  • Upon returning to you home, take precautions to avoid injury, like: observing structural damage that may cause a collapse, turn off the electricity, wear waders and gloves, and avoid eating any food that could have been contaminated.
  • Before making any repairs or removing water, take as many pictures as possible to document all the damage done; this ensures maximum coverage from your insurance.
  • Contact your insurance and inform them of the damage. They’ll tell you when it’s okay for you to begin removing water and wet contents which could develop mold. (Consider a flood restoration service professional.)
  • Once everything is as dry as can be, don’t forget to secure your property from further damage and document that protection for insurance purposes, then call water restoration experts to ensure an effect recovery.
The Aftermath Preparing for a flood (or any emergency) is vital to confident living, while you should always take precautions when you can because your home is an invaluable asset that you and your family can’t afford to lost. But sometimes life happens, and when it does, you should know how to respond optimally; that requires a knowledge of what to do and who to call when you need help.

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