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In Case of a Natural Disaster in Santa Rosa

In Case of a Natural Disaster in Petaluma


Make Sure You Are Prepared

The most common kind of natural disasters that affect Santa Rosa are earthquakes and floods. These occurrences can be sudden, devastating and life threatening. When an emergency event occurs, your water supply, electricity and property can all be disrupted. It would be wise to discuss an emergency plan with your family and friends, and to have as many tools necessary to secure yourself if one of these natural disasters occurs.

In The Case of Earthquakes

Surviving a natural catastrophe requires a whole lot of wisdom. You have a better chance of making it through an earthquake by being aware of the dangers that can arise. The actual shaking of the ground is not the biggest cause of death and injury during an earthquake. The biggest culprits for people becoming unlucky are usually building structures and debris falling and hitting people. Objects inside the home like bookshelves and picture frames can cause you serious damage.

Having a solid plan and being prepared is important because earthquakes happen unexpectedly. Here are some tips that you can follow in case an earthquake does strike:

  • Make sure that you and your family have a place to reunite if you happen to be apart when the earthquake happens.

  • Have an out of the area, friend or relative to contact about your location and condition afterward.

  • Have a good knowledge of safe places to hide within the home in case the disaster strikes, like under tables and away from objects that can fall down.

  • Make sure you store fresh water and canned food in case utilities like electricity and water are interrupted.

  • Learn first aid and CPR.

What To Do About Flooding

Flooding in California is another culprit for property damage, destruction and death. In recent years, flash flooding in California has become a big problem.

Here are a few tips that you can follow to keep you and your family safe in the case of a flood:

  • Make sure you have first aid and medical supplies handy.

  • Have flashlights with working batteries stored. A communication device like a walkie talkie could be helpful if phones fail.

  • Make sure your car has gas in it, in the event you need to evacuate.

  • If a big storm hits, you might want to turn off all of your electrical devices in your home.

  • Having waterproof materials in your home might help limit water damage.

Weathering the Storms

Awareness and preparation are some of the strongest tools that you have to keep your family safe. Follow these steps and more to arm yourself with knowledge about what to do if Santa Rosa faces an unlucky emergency. If the unthinkable does happen, know that there are resources out there that can help you.

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