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Tag Archives: Gutters

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Easy Ways to Prevent Water Damage

Water damage is a common problem in many homes around Sonoma County. It can cause serious destruction which can be both costly and detrimental to your health. This article will explore some of the most common water damage problems and a few ways you can prevent it.

Problems Water Damage Can Cause

Water damage can be broken down into three different categories: clean, gray, and black. No matter what type of water damage is in your home, it can be very harmful to a structure’s foundation and your health. Some of the most common issues caused by it include:

It can cause such serious side effects because it harbors mold. If not removed, this mold will wear down essential parts of your home and irritate your respiratory system.

How to Prevent Water Damage

  • Regularly Check Your Appliances: Appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines use a lot of water. If there’s a leak in their tubes, it could spread into the surrounding walls. Some signs that indicate that they might be leaking include:
    • Puddles of water around the appliance
    • Low water pressure
    • Disconnected hoses
    • There are yellow spots on the walls near them
    • A strong mildew odor
  • Use Water Detection Devices: A water detection device can be useful to stop water damage. You can connect this product to an appliance where it will monitor its water flow. If it senses something is amiss, it will immediately send out an alert. Most water detection devices can be synced to your phone so you can get up-to-date information.
  • Adjust Your Gutters: Many are surprised that their gutters could be the culprit behind their home’s water damage. Gutters are designed to carry water. If they are pointed toward your home, the water will flow near it. If there are cracks in your foundation or walls, the water will seep into them. To prevent this, make sure that your gutters are properly installed and turned away from your home.
  • Have Inspections Done: One of the best ways to prevent water damage is to have regular professional inspections done. This way, you can be sure there isn’t any hidden damage and get it quickly repaired if there is.

Water damage is a serious problem that needs to be fixed as soon as possible. If you suspect you might have a leak or want to prevent one, contact RCS. We’ll send a team out to examine and fix the area of concern.

backyard flood control

How To Prevent Standing Water In Your Home

With all the heavy rain this season in Sonoma County and the recent flooding, many homeowners are becoming concerned about the presence of standing water around their home and its impact. There are plenty of ways to remove any standing water from your home, however, and there are also plenty of ways to prevent standing water during the next heavy rainfall. With just a few simple steps, you will be able to turn your yard from a pond into a dry, livable home. Not sure where to start? Here are the top ways to remove and prevent standing water in your home.

Clean and Repair Your Gutters

Standing water beside your home can be a huge problem. It can weaken the foundation of your home over time, causing potentially dangerous situations and costly repairs in the future. The best way to keep this from becoming a problem is to regularly clean and repair your gutters. Gutters and drain help distribute the water away from the foundation of your home. When they become clogged, or fall into disrepair, they fail to do vital job and allow water to stand around your home.

Use Landscaping

One of the best ways to prevent standing water is to use landscaping to your advantage. Whether you DIY or hire a professional, manipulating the terrain around your house can solve your water problem. Try creating a low river for the water divert water away from you home. You can also set up more natural systems such as certain rock patterns that will help direct water away from your home while looking stylish and being environmentally friendly.

Plant a Garden

Gardens are both aesthetically pleasing and extremely useful, making them a great option when it comes to prevent standing water around your home. Certain plants, like prairie plants or wetland trees, thrive in damp conditions. This means that by planting them in areas prone to standing water, their roots will steadily absorb it. While plants alone won’t solve your stand water problem, combining them with any other the other steps is a great way to make sure your yard stays dry.

Hire a Professional

Sometimes, the best way to get something done is to hire a professional. A professional will be able to conduct a visual survey of your home. By doing so, they will be able to come out with the best plan to fit your home and your budget.

Final Thoughts

As Spring rounds the corner we are seeing more rain and flooding potential. If you find you have water damage in your home, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local professionals here at Restoration Certified Specialists in Santa Rosa, CA. Our team of experts is ready to assist you.

Roof Tile Sonoma County

Sonoma County, Get Ready For 2014 El Nino

The coming El Nino winter threatens to turn the recent California drought into a frustratingly wet winter. Without the proper preparation for your home, this immense wetness threatens the safety of your home, and the longevity of your property. To ensure you are ready for the winter ahead, consider updating these three important aspects of your property:

1. Clean Your Gutters

Gutters will become a major nuisance if they are not properly cleaned and cleared for the potentially wet season the El Nino year threatens to bring to California home owners. Having a professional check for any potential structural damage on gutters is also highly recommended. If you want to keep water away from your home, a strong gutter system is one of the best ways to do so, so never fail to give a proper check up to this important home feature.

2. Check Your Crawlspace

Your crawlspace is easy to forget about, but its upkeep is essential to keeping your home comfortable, safe, and functional during wet seasons. Allow us to help ensure your crawlspace will remain dry, that the soil is in a safe condition, and that pests are cleared out before the El Nino wetness comes to your part of town. We have the professional experience and know how to ensure every potential scenario is accounted for when dealing with crawlspace check-ups and renovation.

3. Roof Repairs are a Must

When the heavy rains come, your roof is your primary protection against major home damage and potential injuries. A strongly kept roof is essential to making it through the El Nino winter. Have your roof checked for any damages that may need to be repaired, and consider renovating your roof to include elements that help make water spill off easier, and that will allow the material of your roof to sustain less damage in the case of major rainstorms. No matter what home preparation needs you have when getting ready for the El Nino winter, the professional team at Restoration Certified Specialists Inc. has you covered! We know how to check every inch of your home’s property to ensure you are safe, and protected against frustrating future damages that may come about due to the expectantly wet wintertime. Don’t allow yourself to fall victim to a potentially disastrous season and call us today to set up a free consultation. After we perform a check up on your property, you will be sure to sleep easier during the coming months

Storm Rain Santa Rosa

Protect Your Home From a Storm

Nature is a powerful force. In the North Bay, the weather can be nice one day, then heavy rain and wind the next. Take some simple precautions to protect your home and family before the next storm comes to town.

Roof Inspection

When a storm is coming, taking some preventative measures before it hits can go a long way. Doing a visual inspection of the roof will help homeowners discover work that may need to be taken care of. Any loose tiles or shingles should to be nailed down. TV aerials or satellite dishes should also be secured so they don’t tear away in severe winds.

Clear Gutters

Another step in preparing a house for an impending storm is to clear the gutters. By making sure the gutters are clear of debris such as leaves and twigs will help to assure the gutters will not get blocked and storm water will be able to flow through them freely. It is a good idea to consider installing gutter guards to keep debris out, especially if the house is situated around tall trees.

French Drains

For houses that have the probability of getting hit with severe storms frequently, homeowners might want to consider installing a French drain. This type of sloped drain is designed to divert water away from a house. The water from a storm will use this drain as a channel and then empties into a gravel-filled trench and finally into a perforated pipe at the bottom of a trench and keeps it safely away from the house.

Trim trees

Tree branches and large bushes near the house should be trimmed back so the strong winds won’t cause them to damage the house.


Homeowners should always know where to access shut-off valves to electricity, gas, and water supplies. Access to these areas should be clear of obstacles that could deter ease in getting to them in an emergency.

Secure loose items

When a storm is immanent, loose items such as garden tools and outdoor furniture should be stored safely in a tool shed or inside the house to protect them from being damaged or blowing away in high winds.

Storm kit

Any homeowner who lives in a house that has the possibility of being negatively affected by a severe storm should prepare a storm kit. The kit should include items that will be necessary or useful in an emergency such as bottled water, first aid kit, food, necessary medication, emergency phone numbers, extra clothes, blankets, flashlights, extra batteries, and a disposable camera to take pictures of the damage to show the insurance company.