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The Differences Between Mildew and Mold

mildew mold

Mold and mildew are often believed to be one in the same. Unless you have had past experience with one or the other, you may believe so as well. It is never a good thing if either one begin to develop in your home or business. Both can have repercussions and if left untreated, both can develop into something more severe and can not only be costly, but can have potential health consequences.

Look At The Appearance

You notice something suspect on the carpet and wall in your basement. What is that? One of your neighbors had a problem with mold in the past, however you don’t quite remember what it looked like. Thankfully, mold and mildew look different. Yes, they are both considered fungi, but they are different in color and texture. Mildew is generally white or gray and looks powdery and sometimes even fuzzy. Mold, on the other hand, can be various shades of green all the way to black. Mold can also be fuzzy and it can be slimy as well. If you see black, there is a serious problem.

What Do You Smell?

Both of these fungi have a similar smell to them; however, mold smells much more pungent than mildew. With mildew, you may smell a slight musty odor, and if you have mold growing, you may smell something similar but much more pungent, as well as a wet, rotting stench.

Health Consequences

Since mildew is the lesser of the two evils, it also has less health consequences related to it. In certain people, having mildew in their living space can bring about general allergies, coughing, headache, and/or respiratory issues. There can be more severe reactions with a mold infestation, especially if it has turned into black mold. Allergic reactions, asthma, bronchitis, wheezing, skin and eye irritation, sneezing, and rash. If the mold is left untreated and people continue to live in that toxic environment, there could be more long-term health problems.

Getting Rid Of Both

Ridding your space of mildew is relatively easy because mildew lives on the surface of the area it has flourished upon. Using bleach, vinegar, or any special mildew-removing cleaner you find at the store along with a scrubbing brush will do the trick. Mold is more tricky to remove because it really depends on how far the infestation got. It may take removing carpet, window treatments, or even going behind the walls or under floorboards. Oftentimes, it is better to leave mold removal to the professionals if you are not experienced or familiar with the process. Sometimes mildew can turn into mold; therefore it is especially important to be on the lookout for signs of mildew and get rid of it immediately. If you do encounter mold, don’t hesitate to contact a professional to help you understand what the source of the problem is and what it will take to eliminate the mold and fix the underlying issue. If you end up having a moldy situation and are in need of a cleanup and restoration specialist, don’t worry—Restoration Certified Specialists, Inc. will take care of you! They have been proudly serving the Santa Rosa and North Bay areas since 1975.

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The Best Way to Clean and Organize Your Attic Space

attic home sonoma

You’re unaware of what goes on above you and you don’t want to know. To you, the attic is a dark, dank, and desolate place you do not want to venture into. And if you’re okay with going up into the attic, there is nothing more frustrating than trying to find something important or sentimental among a maze of poorly labeled boxes and container tubs facing every which way. In addition, you may be overwhelmed by the random items lying around the attic floor that you no longer have a use for but your spouse or children insist on keeping. Aside from regular maintenance, keeping your attic clean and tidy has its benefits--not only for your sanity but to keep the area clear so that you are better able to identify maintenance needs.

Safety First

Before you go exploring your attic for buried treasure, make sure you are well-prepared. Let someone know you are going up into the attic in case something happens. Wear thick or hard-soled shoes and depending on what you are doing up there, it may be best to also wear gloves--protruding nails can give a big bite. Wear a headlamp if there is not adequate lighting so that your hands remain free in case you trip on something. To avoid dust, especially if you have allergies, consider wearing a face mask and/or protective goggles—but this is more of a preference rather than a safety tip. Avoid putting all of your weight on one joist is a big mistake—you don’t want to come tumbling down. If you’ll be in the attic for a lengthy period of time, consider bringing up a large single sheet of board with you and place it across two joists and work from there.

Tips on Efficiently Cleaning Your Attic

  • Remove everything. Yes. Everything. It will cost a little more leg work up front to move boxes and such out of the attic, but it will be much easier and more convenient to go through everything in a roomier, well-ventilated, and well-lit area—which is the next step.
  • What sparks joy? Keep, toss, donate...and keep going until you are finished. You didn’t do all of that work for nothing. Separate everything into piles and move on from old VHS tapes and that seashell collection your grandma got you started on.
  • Dust, sweep, vacuum, then sweep one more time in that order. This will guarantee to leave a spick and span canvas to work with when reorganizing.
  • Inspect your insulation, check for drafts, look around for dampness or moisture, and be on the lookout for mold, mildew, or wood rot. Poor insulation along with any of those issues listed can be costly and time consuming if not taken care of immediately.
  • Be proactive and use preventative measures. Conduct regular checks—do not completely forget about your attic after you deep clean it. Make sure the attic is well ventilated to decrease the chance of humidity, which can lead to mold and mildew, ensure that nooks and crannies are inspected and cracks and gaps are sealed, and call a professional ASAP if evidence of pests or critters are noticed.
  • Replace everything that you decided to keep. Use those organizational skills. Think about replacing boxes with plastic containers or tubs; make sure to label everything and have the labels facing outward for easy access; place anything valuable or sentimental away safely in case pesky pests decide to make your attic their home; and place more frequently used items closer to the attic entrance or somewhere that is easily accessible.
Once you are finished with this arduous cleaning task, you can grab a drink and sit out on the back patio and stretch your legs. Whew! But you’re not entirely finished—remind yourself to regularly inspect and clean your attic in order to prevent any inconvenient or costly issues. A well-maintained attic will save your home energy, cost you less money in the long run, and will allow you to easily access anything you may have stored up above. While inspecting and cleaning, if you come across any mold, mildew, or water damage, give Restoration Certified Specialists, Inc. a call in Santa Rosa, CA. RCS prides themselves in excellent customer service and in being experts in water and mold restoration. They treat each project with the utmost importance and care. Their vast experience and expertise enables them to handle emergency clean up of all sizes, both residential and commercial.
