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How a Sump Pump Check Valve Protects from Basement Flooding

To avoid basement flooding, there is nothing more of a lifesaver than your sump pump.

Your sump pump works hard to pump excess water out of your home and keep things dry. Along with your sump pump, a critical piece of equipment to keep your sump pump working at optimal efficiency is a check valve.

Read on to learn how and why a sump pump check valve is such an important part of keeping your home safe and dry.

The Sump Pump Process

If you live in a home that is prone to frequent flooding, you probably have a sump pump to help capture the excess water and help with drainage. Sump pumps also help keep lower level surface areas free of excess dampness and moisture, which prevents the growth of mold.

If your property is situated on a crawlspace foundation that is susceptible to excessive moisture, humidity, standing water, poorly draining soil, or general water drainage issues, you definitely need a sump pump.

As excess water flows and gathers in the sump pit (also called a crock or basin), the sump pump kicks in to pump this excess water out of the pit through a drainage outlet. A sump pump check valve should be installed near the drainage outlet to prevent water from flowing back into the pump.

If water re-enters the pump and collects back in the sump crock, the risk of flooding your basement or crawlspace increases.

The Role of a Sump Pump Check Valve

By keeping the water in and flowing out through the discharge outlet/pipe, a sump pump check valve is a protective measure against flooding.

It works to prevent water from escaping the discharge pipe and returning through the pump once it shuts off. If that happens, water seeps back into the sump pit and ultimately overflows, potentially flooding your living space.

Check valves perform other important functions in the sump pump process:

Sump Pump Efficiency

Once the sump pump float is triggered by water levels in the sump pit, the sump pump kicks in, pumping out the water.

Check valves prevent backflow of remaining water left in the discharge pipe to flow back through the pump and refill the sump pit.

The water backflow prevention of a check valve makes the entire process more efficient by pumping only once, saving energy and wear and tear on your sump pump.

Sump Pump Protection

If a check valve is not in place to prevent water backflow from the drainage pipe, the sump pump has to pump out the water a second time.

Because the sump pump is doing twice the work, the motor will burn out faster. Without a check valve, the risk of sump pump failure is higher and more frequent.

Check Valve Maintenance

Make sure the check valve is in proper alignment with the sump pump.

Look for and clean out any dirt or debris blocking water flow to or through the discharge pipe.

Test the check valve once the sump pump shuts off by looking for water backflow into the sump pump and pit once the sump pump shuts off. If you see water backflow, it’s an indication of check valve failure. Look for cracks, leaks, or wet areas around the seals, connections, and check valve itself.


Should an inefficient or failing sump pump be the cause for flooding or mold growth in your home, reach out to the water damage cleanup and mold remediation experts at RCS in Santa Rosa.

unfinished basement

Solving the Mystery of Recurring Moisture Issues in Basements and Crawl Spaces

When it seems like every time it rains or gets humid outside, the lower level and crawl space in your home is damp, full of moisture and maybe even standing water.

Identifying the source of moisture and why it continues to be a recurring problem in these same areas is the first step to eliminating the problem for good.

Basements and Crawl Spaces = High Risk Areas

After or even during a rainstorm, you probably head straight to the basement to check for water. Despite taking preventative measures, you continue to combat moisture issues.

The common denominator for these moisture problems is water. The goal is to solve the mystery of how it’s getting inside your home.

If water enters the basement and/or crawl space and has no way to escape or dry out, moisture and dampness is going to continue to be your issue.

Unresolved moisture issues ultimately lead to bigger issues such as mold, odor, structural damage and pest infestations.

Breaking Down Potential Water Sources in High Risk Areas


If your gutters are failing, water slides down the sides of your home, pools around your foundation and gets inside. Make sure your gutters are clean, in good working order and downspouts direct water well away from the foundation of your home.

If you notice cracks in the basement walls, it’s another place where water is able to get inside. If there is carpet or cardboard boxes on the floor, the water will soak right in, remain wet and become moldy and musty.

Leaky pipes and faucets in the basement are another source for moisture and standing water problems.

Old basement windows may very well have broken or cracked seals allowing water to enter the home.

Crawl Spaces

Many of the same moisture issues that affect the basement also affect crawl spaces.
Excess moisture or water in crawl spaces may result from standing groundwater, failing gutters, faulty grading around the foundation, leaking pipes or leaky windows.

The bigger problem with crawl spaces is that you don’t check those spaces often, which gives water a chance to stand and pool without ever drying out.

Too much water in a crawl space causes damage to any insulation or mechanicals stored there. Standing water in a crawl space is a breeding ground for all kinds of insects or rodents, in addition to making conditions perfect for mold.

Call a Professional

When you’ve checked all the areas, repaired what you could see yet continue to experience water issues, call a professional to check the basement and crawl space areas. Keep in mind that dampness and moisture problems lead to bigger problems for you and your home down the road.

A professional service can find the source of the water, thoroughly dry affected areas and seal/drain the crawl spaces to prevent further problems and damage.

In Santa Rosa and surrounding Sonoma County areas, call RCS for expert moisture prevention recommendations, services and a free estimate.

What Is A Sump Pump? Do You Need One?

What Is A Sump Pump? Do You Need One?

Any homeowner will tell you: water is no friend. When you have running or standing water of any sort outside of your pipes, sinks, and tubs, that usually signifies a problem of some sort. While it often takes a plumber to sort out why the water is there in the first place — and it’s important to do that — you also need to worry about cleaning up that water. Small leaks or spills are one thing, but if you have a lot of standing water, it can wreak havoc on your home. In many homes, the basement is a frequent source of standing water, often caused by poor drainage during storms, the basement itself sitting below the water table level, or other house-related plumbing issues. In any case, it’s not unusual for a basement in a house like this to collect water at its lowest point, and when it does, that’s could lead to water damage, among other problems, if precautions aren’t taken. In most cases, the answer lies in the form of a sump pump.

What is a sump pump?

Simply put, a sump pump is a pump that is placed in the lowest point of a basement (known as the sump). This sump is typically a basin put into the floor of the basement to make sure that all water flows into it. When enough water is collected, the sump pump turns on, and then pumps the standing water outside and away from the house. This action keeps the basement dry, and helps to prevent any damage to the house and its systems.

Why is this important?

As mentioned above, free-standing water is no friend to your home. Without an adequate drainage system, the lower points of your house run a real risk of flooding, and — more `importantly — staying flooded. This can lead to several problems. Obviously, all that water can lead to damage in the form of mold, mildew, and rot. None of those are good for the structural integrity of your home.

In addition, mold and mildew can lead to health problems as you breathe. Asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory issues can often occur in houses with these problems, with children, the elderly, and those with already compromised systems being the most vulnerable.

All that standing water can also cause other problems in your house, such as electrical shorts, damaged appliances, and destroyed furniture.

For all these reasons, a sump pump is pretty much a necessity, especially if you know your basement or low-lying areas are prone to flooding.

If you have more questions about sump pumps, how they work, or what pump is best for you, please don’t hesitate to call us today!

How Long Does Mold Removal Take?

Molds or fungi exist in nearly every environment with effects ranging from sensitivity to severe reactions in people living in those areas. Indoor fungi often appear in areas of high humidity or with water damage. Fortunately, mold removal is not as painful or scary as it seems and can generally be completed in as little as a day or two for very small problems, to one to two weeks for large professional clean ups. While this may sound like a long time to be displaced from your home, the dangers of mold are very real and you want to ensure things are done properly to protect yourself and your family. 

What should you do when you spot mold in your home?

Determine the Source 

Whether water or humidity leads to mold, addressing the cause is essential in removal. Plumbing leaks, other water problems, high humidity, lack of ventilation and other issues can be repaired by a homeowner or professional. However, if these problems are not sufficiently addressed, mold clean-up efforts are in vain because the mold will return. The source of the problem needs to be determined and fixed before clean up.

DIY or Professional Clean Up?

With the source problem resolved, determine who will remove the mold. Many minor cases of mold removal are within the abilities of a homeowner with a little elbow grease, especially if it is a small area with a clear cause that has been fixed. However, some situations require assistance.

If you have a large area of mold, it is within the walls, you cannot identify the source, or you think it may have spread underneath or inside surfaces, you need to call a professional. It is better to have a professional consultation than a major problem later on or waiting until your health is at risk.

DIY Clean Up from Porous Surfaces

Porous materials absorb mold making it difficult to eradicate. Items such as ceiling tiles and carpets may require disposal. It is better to dispose of materials and replace them then have mold regrowth and a larger problem later on. Washable textiles can be machine washed with regular detergent.

DIY Clean Up mold from Non-Porous Surfaces

Mold removal products exist commonly in homes. Detergent or bleach mixed with water removes mold from non-porous surfaces. The mixed solution with a scrub brush works to eliminate mold. Some staining and cosmetic damage may remain.

To use bleach, mix one cup of household bleach with one gallon of water and scrub the mold wearing gloves and protective eyewear. Be sure to ventilate the workspace by opening windows and doors.

How long is mold removal going to take?

When it comes to asking the question how long mold removal will take, the answer is not always cut and dry. If mold is from a simple cause and covers a small area it can be removed in a day. It is still recommended, however, to call a professional for advice and to ensure the problem isn’t larger than you think. If you have an expansive mold problem that requires professional work, mold removal typically takes them 1-2 weeks to complete. This is short when you consider the long term effects mold can have on the health of you, your family, and even your pets.