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How Long Does Mold Removal Take?

Molds or fungi exist in nearly every environment with effects ranging from sensitivity to severe reactions in people living in those areas. Indoor fungi often appear in areas of high humidity or with water damage. Fortunately, mold removal is not as painful or scary as it seems and can generally be completed in as little as a day or two for very small problems, to one to two weeks for large professional clean ups. While this may sound like a long time to be displaced from your home, the dangers of mold are very real and you want to ensure things are done properly to protect yourself and your family. 

What should you do when you spot mold in your home?

Determine the Source 

Whether water or humidity leads to mold, addressing the cause is essential in removal. Plumbing leaks, other water problems, high humidity, lack of ventilation and other issues can be repaired by a homeowner or professional. However, if these problems are not sufficiently addressed, mold clean-up efforts are in vain because the mold will return. The source of the problem needs to be determined and fixed before clean up.

DIY or Professional Clean Up?

With the source problem resolved, determine who will remove the mold. Many minor cases of mold removal are within the abilities of a homeowner with a little elbow grease, especially if it is a small area with a clear cause that has been fixed. However, some situations require assistance.

If you have a large area of mold, it is within the walls, you cannot identify the source, or you think it may have spread underneath or inside surfaces, you need to call a professional. It is better to have a professional consultation than a major problem later on or waiting until your health is at risk.

DIY Clean Up from Porous Surfaces

Porous materials absorb mold making it difficult to eradicate. Items such as ceiling tiles and carpets may require disposal. It is better to dispose of materials and replace them then have mold regrowth and a larger problem later on. Washable textiles can be machine washed with regular detergent.

DIY Clean Up mold from Non-Porous Surfaces

Mold removal products exist commonly in homes. Detergent or bleach mixed with water removes mold from non-porous surfaces. The mixed solution with a scrub brush works to eliminate mold. Some staining and cosmetic damage may remain.

To use bleach, mix one cup of household bleach with one gallon of water and scrub the mold wearing gloves and protective eyewear. Be sure to ventilate the workspace by opening windows and doors.

How long is mold removal going to take?

When it comes to asking the question how long mold removal will take, the answer is not always cut and dry. If mold is from a simple cause and covers a small area it can be removed in a day. It is still recommended, however, to call a professional for advice and to ensure the problem isn’t larger than you think. If you have an expansive mold problem that requires professional work, mold removal typically takes them 1-2 weeks to complete. This is short when you consider the long term effects mold can have on the health of you, your family, and even your pets.