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4-1-1 on Protecting Your Family With Smoke Detectors

4-1-1 on Protecting Your Family With Smoke Detectors

Want to know how to best protect your family from fire? Read on to get the 4-1-1 on installing, testing and purchasing smoke detectors in your home.

Where to Install Smoke Detectors

Proper placement of smoke detectors ensures your home and family are protected without the inconvenience of a false alarm every time you cook dinner. The size and layout of your house determine the effective number and placement of these life-saving units. To get started, install smoke detectors:
  • On every floor, including the basement
  • Near the kitchen but 10 feet from the stove
  • In each sleeping area and hallway
  • By the stairways of each floor
  • Ten feet from fire risks, like electrical panels and fireplaces
Avoid drafty areas. Exterior doors, windows, heating and cooling ducts create air flow which dissipates smoke and delays alarms from sounding. Install smoke detectors on the ceiling or four inches down on the wall. Smoke fills a room from the top. These placements catch the first signs of trouble.

How to Test Smoke Detectors

Low battery and indicator lights provide inadequate proof that a smoke detector works. Testing your units monthly ensures they work properly. Match this task to another monthly chore to jog your memory. Simply hold the test button for a few seconds, and the alarm activates. A crisis test uses a match, candle or aerosol to set off the alarm. This test ensures smoke triggers the alarm and any interconnected alarms. Use this opportunity to run an unplanned fire drill as well. Develop an action plan with your family, and practice during these crisis tests. Whether low or not, switch out your batteries twice a year. If you live in a part of the country that observes Daylight Saving Time, replace all smoke detector batteries when you spring ahead and when you fall back.

Which Smoke Detectors to Purchase

With the options on the market, what do you look for in a smoke detector? Price, warranty and sensor type vary by brand and style. The most important feature? Knowing what you are getting and how it works. You can choose from:
  • Battery-operated or hardwired units
  • Stand-alone or interconnected detectors
  • Those with special features
Voice and mobile alerts and alarm shut offs allow you to monitor smoke detectors while away or busy. Smart detection gives you the location of the fire. Silence buttons quiet alarms for a set time without interrupting function. And, ones that include carbon monoxide sensing protect your family from two foes at once.

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